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met up with EX, dont know what to do?

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WEll finally met up with the Ex. She doesnt go out with guys one on one or go out with ex bf's. In a way i feel privaleged. Well we had some laughs and talk. When we had our talk, I told her how much I like her and how i Miss her. I asked her what we are, she goes are friends, but she told me that she will give me an answer if we are ever gonna go back out again. Also, she believes in 2nd chances. We didnt really end up in a bad break up. she says she misses me and hanging out with my friends. Then she asked, if we didnt end up together, can we be friends? I told her i cant answer that question, because i really dont know. We ended the night in a good note. We are hanging out again with our friends tomorrow. So, i think im just going to enjoy the time we have together and go from there. What I am worried about, if we would be together in the end. Thanks for stopping by.

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Im glad you and your ex are speaking again. You did the right thing by not getting emotional with her. Give her time to think things over and just enjoy the moments you have with your ex. She sounds genuine whether the two of you will be friends or a couple. Good luck.

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