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Party on Saturday night

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Okay. I'm totally planning on going to this party on Saturday. It will be my first greek party (it is being throiwn by a sorrority but is an all campus party) I'm not sure what the premise of the party is. I've heard they're giving out condoms at the door. Now, I have no plans to get action, not at all. I would however like to maybe have thance to make out with someone. I know of course that I can't go with that as a plan but that if it happens it happens. I figure, basically just walk up to a group of girls or a girl and start up a conversation. That should prove somewhat easier at a greek party than just on the street. I know I gotta look sharp and be cool.


Any tips or suggestions out there?

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Well I would say the easiest method to talk and get to know girls for possibly hooking up with them is the "maverick and goose" routine. It basically means that you need to go to this party with another guy who has similar aspirations in mind. At least one of you NEEDS to have an outgoing personality towards people and can talk to girls easily. Start with girls you know or ones that you arent that attracted to and progress through the night, your goal should be to meet 3 new girls and one of them should be your potential hook up. The 2 man approach is pretty simple but you have to communicate well with eachother in order to get to know these girls.

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go w/ someone who is interested in meeting people... when you are approaching a group of girls at a party its ALWAYS easier if you are with a friend.. cuz some of them will want to talk.. and others wont be that interested.. so as long as you got a wingman.. you will find its ALOT easier....


not sure of your views on drinking.. but if you are at college... alot of people do drink... so... ya... you can make your own decisions.. but be responsible either way....


just go in there trying to make friends w/ whoever looks over at you.. and you shouldnt have a prob. the majority of people at a party WANT to meet other people... so keep that in mind and approaching people will make it alot easier...


if you are the shy type, my advice is to just look for people that look like they want some guy to talk with... this may be hard at first.. but after going to a few parties you should get the hang of finding the people that are looking for people... they usually will be looking around alot, and if they are talking to their friends..(usually girl friends) they wont be really paying that much attention to them.... there are other obvious hitns like drinking alot, and walking around the party alot....

if you are interested in a few more specific suggestions shoot me a PM, i got to head to swim pract >_

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I would however like to maybe have thance to make out with someone.


Ok, no one throw anything at me... but, if you want to go to the party and make out, just go, have fun, drink. By the end of the night, everyone's so drunk, that you'll wind up talking to some random girl about some random stuff, and next thing you know, you'll wind up making out. (Just as an aside - the better looking you are, the easier this is.)


A few months later, you'll go to a restaurant with some friends, see a girl and her friends there, and you have a thought in the back of your head, "hhhmmmm....do I know her? Where do I know her from? Did I work with her a few years back? hmmm.... Did I make out randomly with her at a party a long time ago..... ohh.... maybe that's it......"


(Which of course, has happened to me more than a few times. Where a guy starts talking to me, and I totally don't recall making out with him 6 months ago. And why should I even bother to remember him! He never called!)


I think if you plan stuff like that, it doesn't happen. Just go to the party and have fun.

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points well taken. Thanks guys. I have heard a lot of the "don't plan anything" and sctually it seems to have wokren out well. I don't plan on getting extremly far gone, but I seem to be able to reach a state of drinkeness where I'm dunk enough to enjoy the drunk side of the party and sober enough still to enjoy the finer points, after all, what fun is making out if you don't remember it right?

I got my tools together for the night though as was recomended to me by a man with expereince in this field:


Chapstick, Mints, a lighter, a bottle opener and a good outfit and smooth style.


I shall let you all know how the party goes.



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Well, if you want to increase your chances of getting to make out with a certain girl or just a girl lol, dress good, smell good. Don't wear your white Microsoft shirt with buffalo wing stains from Monday Night Football XD. If you already know that great, I don't know you so yeah I don't know how you dress.But some guys out there seriously have no style so yeah just saying.

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well, I went to the party. I'd say after all was said and dine, the night was fun. Nothing happened, not that I expected anything too. I feel though that the next time I go out to a greek party, I'll be a little more comforatble and have a little more fun. that's my plan, gradually build up comfort with the party life so that I can approach people with greater ease and have an even better time.

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