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students : concentration problem

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Hey Friends,


I realized today how much I tune out and cant focus in class. My cousin who has the same class as me, asked If i was ok, and if that was normal of me. I replied no.


Anyone out there experience the same problem after breaking up as a student? Cant concentrate in class, and have a very short attention span, than our brain just focuses on something else, and our eyes stear straight into space?


I think thats a sign that I havent' completely healed. I think I know what I need to do now... Any suggestions??



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happens all the time, specially when i break up with someone i truly loved/cared, you need to accept that you've broken up, decide to move on, start dating/meeting people/spending time with friends so that all those past memories get replaced and voila! , you'll be back on track. and yeah drink loads of water, it helped me a lot with concentration problems. good luck!

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That's exactly what im going through at this very moment....nothing seems to keep my attention for too long without it drifting back to my ex...its very very hard all i can say is we can just try to focus even more ....and what i usually do is think of something that he did to make me upset and once i get upset i usually stop thinking about him for a while ..at least til im home

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I do the same thing. For that reason, I sit in the front row, center, during my classes. I find that I do the best in those classes that I do that. And, I take pretty through notes. Just focus on the task on hand, pay attention to the lecture.


The fact is, you find your subject interesting on some level, because you signed up for the class. Remember that!

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