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Am I being played???

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like this guy, he says he likes me, but all my friends say that he's just trying to use me. I sooooo badly don't want to believe them, but then there is that part of me that never turns away from her friends. I really don't know what to do, the other day he asked me if I wanted to possibley start something serious with him.


He's a really cool guy and all, but my friends say that he's VERY manipulative and it's only gonna get me hurt.




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How many people say this exactly? If it is just one or two friends it may be a personality conflict or something between them in the past to make them say this... On the other hand, if say three or four people who arent all close friends with each other are telling you this it may be a good idea to take their advice and not have to learn the hard way.

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Let him wait, lol , if he had the slightest chance to get in bed with you , he'd wait. Then, if he gets a lil too excited and keep asking you all the time to take it to another level then dump his ass!

It happens very frequently that some guys will be all nice and cool and shit to a girl at first and then the girl starts to fall for him and then she'll let him do whatever he wants with her and then he'll take advantage of her vulnerability and then BAM! he'll let her down after being tired of her, he'll dump her and go to another one.....

so my advice is let him wait, there's no rush.....so if he gets a lil impatient then tell him this: BYE BYE!

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