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Uhhhhh a little help with this one here?


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Ok, so at the beginning of September me and my boyfriend(now friend with benefits) had had sex, before we had sex it felt like I made him cum frp, being a tease and things like that cause his penis and jeans were wet. Its been like 3-4 weeks now, I looked up on the early signs of showing that you are pregnant and I have most of the signs. Me and my ex were really excited cause we think I am pregnant cause of this and he really wants to have a baby with me(He is 18). But I had a 3-5 day period. I was wondering, if you can have a period and still be pregnant? Also I took a pregnancy test and it said "-" can this mean its too early, or its true or could it be just messed up? I feel that I am pregnant cause I still have ALL the signs and all my friends and the whole grade level that I am in thinks I am. And I really want to also. But if im not im afraid to tell my ex cause I dont want to get him depressed or mad at me or anything I really want to be pregnant also, if im not, should I go back and keep trying until I am? I know im kind of young but Im going to get kicked out of the school because of all the students anyway, So im stuck. What should I do??? I need advice, please help me, ... -Paige-

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I am not going to comment on the signs of pregnancy stuff because I am sure there is somewhere here who is better qualified to do that than myself.


Although, I think that you need to rethink your wanting to get pregnant. You are VERY young, a child yourself. It would not be right to bring a child into this world right now. How will you support it financially? House it? Feed it? Raise it? Give it the attention it needs? Keep it safe? Provide a STABLE environment to grow up in? At your age, most, if not all, of those things are not available to you.


You have your whole life to have a child, what's the rush?

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I think that you probably are not pregnant at this time.


Before you go back and get pregnant, you need to think some things through so you can prepare for parenthood. You need to think about the following:


- What will be your source of income to pay for food, diapers, baby clothes, furniture, etc? How much will these things cost?


- What kind of dad will your bf be? Will he stick around? If you guys love eachother enough to raise a baby together, then you must love eachother enough to get married. Maybe you should try that first and see how it goes. Just a thought (not being sarcastic, I promise).


- Will you miss going out with your friends, being able to come and go as you choose, having money to spend on yourself? You'll have to kiss all those goodbye when your baby arrives.


- Why do you want to have a baby at this time?


- How will having a baby benefit you? What are the pros and cons?


I'm 28 years old and my sister is 32. She had a baby close to 5 yrs ago and found out quickly how difficult it is to be a single mom, even with her parents and my help. Her daughter is now living with me, and even though my niece is almost 5, dresses herself, feeds herself, and entertains herself (most of the time), being a single mom is very difficult. I miss being able to go out with my friends, being able to spend money on myself, etc. Please don't be under the illusion that being a mom, single or otherwise, is always pleasant. Trust me, babies are demanding...you become their slave. And that baby is going to be with you for 18 years or more...are you ready to take on such a huge responsibility, one which you CANNOT escape from for 18 years?


Just some food for thought.


Peace and respect,


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A kid at 14? It's people like you who's child will steal my car in 20 years.


I cannot urge you enough to not have a child now, or for quite a while. There are many things you should experience before that. You say you are getting kicked out of school, you can still get your G.E.D. and go to college. If you do have a baby now, who will be its father? You said that 'he' wasn't even your real boyfriend anymore, just a friend with benefits. Do those benefits include child support? Please heed my advice, atleast only waiting a few years will make a world of a difference.

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You are most probably "Not" pregnant.


And the fact that you are "NOT" pregnant shouldn't upset your BF.


And yes... you are young. Amazingly and brilliantly young. And are having major issues at school from the last sentence of your post...


I know im kind of young but Im going to get kicked out of the school because of all the students anyway, So im stuck.


Would you care to elaborate on this... to help us understand how having a baby is going to help your SOCIAL situation? I don't understand.


Not withstanding...all the other major components that you are lacking to support and raise a child. Income. How are you planning to feed and clothe a child?


I'm a single mom. Educated with a fairly descent income. And let me tell you... its not all sugar, spice and everything nice. Its hard work raising kids. Even with all my skill and tools I have under my disposal. It is hard work.


I'd really like to understand your reasoning behind wanting to be pregnant.. wanting a child. You.. What you feel. Not what BF or anyone else feels.. WHY do you think having a baby right now is of such great impotance in your life. What is it going to change???

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Like everyone else is saying you are way too young to be having a child !


picture this:


If you dont even have a high school diploma then you are gonna get stuck working at a fast food restaurant making 5.75 an hour and that is simply not enough to raise a child on. Since you have a child you will not have time to take classes to receive your GED. Which means you will be stuck in the rut for a good part of your and your childs life. And how good of an upbringing will your child receive if you dont even have the money to take care of him/her? This is also suspecting that the father will do his part in helping raise the child which means he must quit all extracurricular activities so he can work while you watch the kid and vice versa. Can yu even legally have a job in illinois when you are 14 ?


Just some things to think about...


I hope you change your mind about becoming pregnant 8-[

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There are a million and one reasons for you to not have a baby now. But I do understand the desire to have achieved something so wonderful as having a child.


But think of it this way. If you have a baby now, you will never have a time in your life for yourself. I had my son at 18 and I wish I had a few years after high school to be responsibility free and have some fun supporting myself only.


If you are pregnant, give it your all. Even when you will be wanting to be free again. Everything will change. But you will have a moral obligation to be a supportive mother for your child. Not dumping them off to your parents or leaving them alone watching t.v. That kid will demand 100% of your energy all the time. This is a very rewarding time in a person's life. But so are the times for yourself.


You will have plenty of time to devote yourself to another human being completely. Take some time to appreciate yourself! You really do deserve it. It is hard to think of it now because you are probably still living with your parents and in school. But it is such a fun time to be living on your own after high school and working for yourself and partying on the weekends. When you have a kid you cannot live in a house that is not nice, you must have good food all the time, you must be willing to devote yourself all the tim. Take a least a few years and have some fun, for you. I see all my friends doing this now and I feel jealous. I love my son and I wouldn't trade him for the world but I would recommend to others to spend some time finding yourself.


Even as I type this I have to stop every minute to talk to my kid. He doesn't like me not playing with him and I cannot be cruel and ignore him to play on the internet.


Good luck, and do whatever feels right for you. It will all work out in the end, but the trip there might not be as pleasant.

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