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Sex with g/f


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ok heres what I dont understand, when im having sex with my g/f and we meaning I have been going some time in a position, and from what I have gathered she has either climaxed or had an orgasm, why the hell is she tired, all she had to do is lay down on her back or hands and knees (wont say details) and she is out of breath. Why is this? And would u say she is having an orgasm when she holdes her breath and twitches mainly mooving her abdominal area, or just climax (cos I hear they are 2 different things) or is she just enjoying herself. And we had our honest talks and it not faking lol.

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well I mean yer I know it is tiring but what actual physical reason is there for this is what I mean. As your not exercising, the only thing I can think of is increased heart rates, and that cant get you out of breath you in myexperience need some physical activity that makes u need oxygen so increased rates of breathing occur. And sorry I should have said I wanted the more scientific side of things.


Ohh and by the way


I LOVE SLIPKNOT U HAVE CLASS GIRL (if indeed u do actualy like slipknot)

duality is the song but im sure everyone knows that anyway, but wow soeone else who actualy likes slipknot thats a rarity.

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o right,well im guesing she is having an orgasm and she tells me she does well I just I dunno dont feel im that brilliant lol, and is it normal for the woman to dig her nails in? im not bothered if it stops her screaming and her parents running in to find out whats the matter, ohh and bitting during the climax period, because she often bites into my shoulder or scatches my chest back and shoulders.


Ohh and one final point while im here is it usual to outlast a woman in sex say the have multiple orgasms and well in the end she just cant have anymore cos she sorta tired and start to get sore? as this has happened once or twice.

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Edit - sorry that was a pretty pointless post so I will beef it up,

summary, is it normal to bite, dig nails in, and scrath when having sex (this is woman doinng it) and im guesing no one knows why the woman is actualy out of breath in biological terms. BTW what does female cum look like, cos is it like a milkey gewey looking stuff?

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Im sorry I ask soo many questions but here is some more) This is something that puzzles me aswell I always get scared of under achieveing in sex, but this never really happens, and my g/f 8 times out of 10 experiences multiple orgasms. But does this just mean im somehow flukily good, or does it just mean she is extreemly easy to please which is what I have drawn my conclusions to. Also is an average of 35 to 45 min good (all the actual sex not including forplay) what is average time that sex lasts. But it strange cos sometimes its 5 min and other times its like 1 hour 45 min do men often vary this much in times between maximum and minimum times when they orgasm. My final point is does penis size affect the pleasure a woman receives, I knowppeople say its not the size of the tool its how u use it, but is that stricly correct does abit of extra length help give more pleasure?

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After sex there's a hormone that's released and its a pretty relaxing one, that could be why you're tired.


Anyway, Slipknot is boring...IMO there is better metal, I mean real metal not "nu-metal" aka pop-metal , try Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, or Darkest Hour. I'll just say at least you guys have some taste, its a change from what everyone listens to (Fall Out Boy, The Killers, Green Day of which are posers....Green Day used to be a decent band but got caught up in the poser category having to do with eye liner, black, etc.).

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