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Hello Some of you may know my story but just wondered if there would be anymore input as im still confused as what to do, to make a long story short, Ive known this guy for 7 years we have been out in the past but nothing serious just as kids. For the past year and a half I have been madly in "lust" with him, its just getting worse now and I cant sleep. Loads of friends went clubbing the other night and me and him ended up in the backseat of a car, we kissed, held hands but it went no further (We got inturrpted!!!) Anyway so two days later my friend goes round his house and asks if I can go round to chat, but he makes loads of excuses sayin hes goin out and has things 2 do,so I thought this was to stop me going round, but yesterday I found out he hadn't slept for 2 days (due to parties)so could it be he just wasn't in the mood or is he trying to stay away from me? What should I do!!??!

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