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Fed up of girls


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I agree...just be friends for a while.


I just had an EXCELLENT relationship fail because the guy was so used to developing a friendship with the women he dated, and we didn't do this. It made him insecure, uncomfortable and pretty much a freak. I had to put up with him comparing me to his ex's so much that I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Anyway, find a good chick.

Develop a friendshp and go slow.


That is my best advice, for what it's worth.

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I had to put up with him comparing me to his ex's so much that I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Good for you Jadtt.


I was once told the analogy: "It's easier to sit in (excretement), than get up and clean yourself".


Granted - it's not the best analogy; but it's effective and true.


Well done for cleaning yourself of him. No one deserves to be compared and contrasted to someone else - we're all different.

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It is a fact of life, rule of nature that it's the guys job to initiate the conversation with the girl. Just accept it, no more complaining cause it's not going to change. It's like complaining that you have to eat or sleep.


Don't be discouraged. Guys who get the most girls get turned down the most. They're the ones who try the most. Just keep at it and you will get girls. I will pm you a really good site for getting girls too.

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Have you ever tried to be a close friend to her first? Without drawing any suspicions and such? Just being there for her may even assist you in your quest for the girl you like. Giving up aint worth it, there will be girls who will see you for you and might fall for you. Just relax, take it slow.

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