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I want to ask her for her phone number, but don't know how..


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Hello Everyone,


It's been 2 months since my ex g/f of 4 1/2 yrs left me for my friend. Right now I'm just trying to heal and move on.


Last week, I got acquainted with my university junior through an online community. I had never spoken to her in college before. I told her that she looked very familiar and she infact recognized me and we just started posting messages to each other. After two days, she added me in her IM.


I have just chatted with her once on IM. She chatted for 10 mins, said she'll BRB and never came back I couldn't sleep the whole night. I just kept dreaming abt her. So, the next day I emailed her telling her about this dream and how funny it was. I made a mistake of calling her by a short name instead of her real name. She replied back the next day evening. She said that even she found me dreaming about her funny. The rest of the mail was a typical where do you work? what new in your life etc... I replied back instantly telling her about my job, my weekend plans etc.


The same day, I also posted a message to her that she looked cute in all the pics she had posted on the community forum. This was three days ago and since then there's been no post, no mail, nothing. She doesn't even login to IM these days or maybe she's just invisible. I really don't know.


I've gone completely crazy! I'm getting desperate by the second. I keep checking my mail every 5 mins to see if she's replied. I'm online the whole day on IM, hoping that maybe I can chat with her if she comes online. I don't know if she's really busy or if she's trying to avoid me.


I've had two sleepless nights thinking about her and even today I've been thinking about her the whole morning. I've just seen her pics and I've just chatted with her once. How can I acting so weird? Is there something wrong with me? Have I not healed from my previous r/ship yet?


She remembered abt from g/f from college and asked me how she was. I told her that we broke up recently. What does she think about me? Does she think that I'm just another guy trying to flirt with her? Coz I'm not - I really want much more than just flirting. Is she trying to avoid me? How will I know if she's trying to avoid me? Should I just back off for sometime?


I'm reallly desperate to get her phone number but I'm so scared of asking her. What if she doesn't want to give it to me and just stops mailing me? How do I get her number?


Can you please help me out people?


Thanks a lot.

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Yeah definitely back off. SOunds to me like you are coming on way to strong. relax and just play it slow. You keep doing what you are doing and you'll never hear from this girl again.


It also doesn't sound like you are healed either, just trying to fill that void of you ex. Keep things simple between you and this other girl for now and don't make yourself look so desperate in front of her.


Good luck man

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Thanks Demond,


She just mailed me back today... After 3 long days! I'm so happy


Yes, I think I need to take things lightly. I will back off. I think it's just that after the breakup, this girl has been the first one to give me even the slightest attention. No wonder I'm acting like this.


So, what should I do now? I'll wait for a few days and then reply back to her or should I just reply back now?


Thanks again.

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Do it tom. or the next day. No rush but you dont need to wait a week either. Play it slow with this girl and don't depend on her to make you HAPPY. Do that for you and only you.... Yeah she maybe the first girl thats given you the slightest attention but she won't be the last. remember that...YOU ARE SINGLE NOW...Its not so bad afterall...You can do whatever you want, when you want and with who you want.


Things will start to pick up for you once you get out of you funk. This girl needs to see the real you, not the "just broke up with my ex, feeling sorry for myself, show me some attention please" guy. Thats not harsh, its reality, and you're not alone, most of us been there and in your shoes or we wouldnt be here today. All I can say brother, be positive on life and be confident in the person you are. Stand on your own two feet without the aid of someone else. When the time is right, you simply ask her for her number, its that easy. If she's comfortable in giving it to you she will. If she doesn't then just leave it be and move onto the next.


Good luck man

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Hello Everyone,


Yes, I think I'm taking things very seriously. Initially I started thinking about her because I didn't want to think abt my ex anymore. But, now it's going out of control. I'm thinking only abt this girl. I've started seeing her a potential g/f I think that's not right. I haven't even met her and how can I start thinking like this?


But, one very good thing is I haven't thought about my ex for a week now and I really feel good about it.


And I'm going to take things slowly. I'll mail her tonight. And also i'll stop thinking abt this girl as my next g/f! If it works, let it. Otherwise I'll just move on.


Thanks again everyone.

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Thats the way! I think you probably are still healing over your ex which is why everything seemed so intense and exaggerated for a while.

If you have mailed her like you said, its her move now so wait for her to reply ok. If you keep mailing her she will get a bit freaked out and then she won't come back at all.

Keep calm and have some fun while you wait. I'm sure she will reply.

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