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What does she expect from me? She is kinda mysterious...


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This is the loooooooooooooooong story short. The previous one was WAAAAAYYYYYY long and in the wrong spot. So anyway im going to make it short and simple to read this time. I like this girl alot (as we always say). She likes me too, but she hasnt told me. I heard this from a friend who overheard her talking with her best friend. She likes me, but I guess she doesnt want to tell me yet? Well, I have already confessed to her some time ago. Finally she returns my feelings, but doesnt want to tell me? I dont understand, maybe she wants to let our friendship grow first? She doesnt know that I know about her feelings for me.


I dont know, I just cant understand her way of thinking. Maybe shes shy? SHe is a shy person anyway. But not telling me? I cant figure it out.


What do you guys think? If you want the LOOONG story, just click on the link below. Thanks guys, Im looking forward to your advices.


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I posted my topic in the wrong section. Sorry im new. I happened to stumble accross this site when I was looking at some quiz thingy. Sorry sorry. Lolz..

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As a woman, sometimes when you have feelings for someone it is hard to come out and admit them, because you may often be scared of rejection or scared of the situation in general. Furthermore, she might be telling you how much she likes you through what she asks you to do with her and through body language as well. Sometimes, when I am really into someone, I don't always come right out and say it. It is totally fun to let the relationship develop naturally on its own, instead of putting all the cards right out there on the table.


I know...it is just plain silly, these things that men and women do to tell each other their feelings. But, for some people it is harder to be honest upfront. And, for some other people the mysterious part of the game of chasing is way more exciting. Additionally, some women also liked to be chased by the guy too.


In my personal experience, I have always received an intuition (i.e. "gut feeling") about the situation I am in. My first impression, and the voice inside my head, usually always ends up be correct. It has taken me many years, and many mistakes, but I am finally coming to realize that, in any situation, I always know the outcome. I just usually second-guess myself.


My advice to you is to trust your instincts about how this girl feels about you, because you are probably correct. Stay alert to any signals she might be sending you, and keep on pursuing her, but remember to go slow and savor the process of the courting process!

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Oh thank you! Sounds good to me! I think we'll just not put everything straight out first. She likes talking to me. She doesnt really make me do things for her. She is kinda shy, so she just comes up to me and talks to me and we have fun that way. So I guess i'll just wait.

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Im not too sure about her intentions. Frankly, they are quite confusing. I just came back from Youth Camp. She went as well. We had a great time together, chatting and having fun. But some times during the camp it was pretty weird.


There was this time where she was wondering off by herself, so since I was heading to the lake (which is very close to the cabins). I asked her whether she wanted to come with. She was pretty reluctant, she was like "Yeah, I havent really been there yet... uhmm.. I dont feel like walking." It was like she wanted to go yet there was somethint holding her back. So I left it at that and didnt bother, I let her stroll back to her friends and didnt want to push it too far.


Later on that day, we had like a game we all played that mimics 'The Amazing Race'. So she was in my team, or rather I had no team, so her team asked me to come to their team. As I came there, a camp co-ordinator came and asked if we were a group, before I answered, she said "You are in my team!" It was pretty funny. But since we were team mates, we were like mostly having time walking together and such.


After games, I sat near the lake which had a great view, and guess what? She found me and was like hoping that I would follow her to the flying fox, which was this swing thing. So I just followed her around. It was great fun, she is so caring. Like we had to get someone to do the Canoeing as one part of the race. So I was like giving orders, then she was like saying in a joking manner, "Why dont you do it?" So I was joking back saying, "Because I am one of those Supervissor people who tells people what to do." But I did it in the end, cuz she suggested me to do it. So later she came up to me cuz she was feeling bad that she made me do it, so she helped me with my Helmet and Vest, assisting me to put it on and such. It was really nice of her. But that is how she is. I liked that bit of her where she did that, cuz it reminded me of a man going out to war and their woman dressing them up in their armours.


Anyway, ranting on and on is just like me writing an entry in a journal or something. But I'll get to my point. The point is that I dont know if asking her for a walk was too much, cuz eventually, SHE came to find me and walked with me anyway. Her friend came up to me later as well and said that I treat the girl I lilke as if I was her boyfriend already, partly because there was this incident the night before where the girl I liked was talking about getting a coffee, so I just said that I'll make it for her if she really wanted. She told me it was ok but thats when her friend said that I was like her boyfriend already. BUT that was not really true, I was just being helpful.


So sometimes I go find her and talk to her, sometimes she finds me and talks to me. So I dont think im rubbing her the wrong way, in fact I think she enjoys it. We like talking to each other and such. Like another part of the race was like doing this huge giant swing thing, two people had to do it, so since I had never done it before, she told out leader that she wanted me to do it since I had never done it before. But she is always doing thing kind of thing for me, I like it, its like she is showing me off to her friends sometimes.


I dont know if this is a sign, but when people like say we are a couple or just the fact that we like each other, but she doesnt seem to mind, like she doesnt deny it either. When her friend said that I was like her boyfriend, it was also directly in front of her, she just told me to ignore her friend. Suggestions anyone? Sorry for the long post, this is all on my mind for the past 3 days. I know she likes me, its just trying to find out the next outcome.

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Well, there is something weird going on now.. See the thing is, in real life, we are getting on great. We can talk, though she talks less these days a little. I mean, before I knew she liked me.. She would talk more with me.. We would talk more about stuff. But now adays, when she does like, why doesnt she talk more? Is it because she is lost for words? I dont know. I mean, her body language says she still likes me alot. But communication wise, I cant tell anymore.


But still, what bugs me is that in real life is that she and I get along well, we are getting closer. But once upon a time, before we grew closer, she used to talk on msn way more than she does now. I mean, she would come online, and we wouldnt talk much these days. Like she wouldnt ask me anything, and just answered me if I asked anything. She wont bring any new topics, but I dont understand. When I ask her why she doesnt talk so much, she says that she cant be stuffed typing. In other words, she doesnt want to type.


What on earth! She doesnt want to talk to me?! I dont understand it, her MSN life and real life arent consistant. Is it because she has already got me so she doesnt take so much trouble to keep talking to me in MSN but in real life? I dont know. Help would be appreciated thankS!!


We arent going out yet. But maybe a little tactics might help, i should avoid her a little. Like dont talk to her so much. I have my own life too anyway. Right? Any suggestions?

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