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Unconventional 'first contact' stories, caveats and ideas

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This is kind of a bizarre one, but I'm sure we've all thought about it and I'm sure some of us have done it. Instead of just finding some excuse to talk to someone, get to know each other, and eventually ask him/her out, or asking for her number, or buying her a drink, or paying a compliment, has anyone here ever really gone off the deep end to impress a girl or guy? And I guess this also covers random acts of kindness, and failed attempts.


Like, serenading a girl loudly and in public. Walked purposefully up to a random girl and given her a flower in a smooth sort of way. Invited a complete stranger to Madagascar [the country, not the movie].


Hell, you're only young enough to live dangerously once. And whereas I am a total wimp when it comes to theatrics, some people at there are made of far sterner stuff. What's your story?

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I blew a very large amount of money over one weekend doing some crazy stuff: zorbing, karting, flying, surfing, clubbing, eating out. Didn't tell her about any of it until we were at each venue. We both had the most wicked time ever and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. She was very happy after that weekend, but it didn't work! Oh, and I'm still paying it off

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