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am i right or just too jealous???

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ok, i just started university with my BF of 1.5 yrs and i'm getting so much jealous... but i dont know if i'm being paranoid for good reason or not. for example... he looks at every girl he see's (and doesnt seem to try to be too sneaky about it... it's pretty obvious. like he turns his head a bit or looks at them several times which drives me nuts). today, before his 2nd class he put cologne on. i asked him why and he ignored me so i was like "hello?" and he said "what?" so i asked him again why he did it and he was like "do you need anything else from the car?". he totally ignored what i'd asked twice so then i asked him why he was ignoring me and he told me that he put it on b/c he "didn't shower after hockey last night, he just rinsed off" meaning no shampoo or soap. of course i didnt believe him because i know he showers so i said that. then he said "well, i showered but i only had shampoo"... but i've never seen him shower with soap... he al;ways uses the lather from the shampoo on his body. so i said that he never uses soap and he just didnt answer. even if he DIDNT shower, why didnt he put it on in the morning for his first class, or for me? why wait until 12:30pm???

from there we had to go to our classes and we walked together, mine was on the way to his. so usually he kisses me and then goes toward the path to his class... today, there were three good looking girls standing right by his path so he decided to keep walking PAST the path for a few feet behind them and THEN kissed me... like he didnt wanna do it in front of those girls. i could be paranoid but i think something's going on. i'm not saying that he's cheating on me but i think maybe he likes someone in his afternoon class that he had to put cologne on for (but never does it for me)...

any thought? sry its so long.

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Don't think to much about it . I don't think there's enough here to get concerned . All guys stare , sometime even when we're with our girl . Not to sure about the cologne thing . Again I would think there's just not enough here to start thinking something is going on . If you start noticing MORE strange behaviour then you might want to talk to him .

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Doesn't sound like he likes anyone in particular; but it *does* sound like he wants to try that "wild-college-studly-man" thing (it almost looks like he doesn't want other girls to know he's spoken for...).


I agree with DN. Talk to him, calmly and without accusation. Then ask him how he'd like it if you started behaving the same way. He's probably not cheating on you, but his behavior is disrespectful to you and you need to stick up for yourself.


(Incidentally, his behavior is also stupid. If just once, one of those cute girls turned around to check him out, she'd see him kissing you. Then she'd tell her friends what a big jerk he is, and he'd never get laid.)


Don't expect him to stop looking, but you could ask him to at least be a little more circumspect (and less obvious). Your calm acceptance of his immature behavior might surprise him enough that he won't stray (BIG MAYBE). This is one of those lessons that college boys have to learn to become college men.

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First of all...can i marry you??...lol....anyway.


Besides the fact that he has very unusual bathing habits i think you should keep your eyes on him. I understand he wants to smell good...but who is he trying to smell good for? And as far as him ignoring you?...I'd get really mad at him for that. Theres no reason for you to be ignored. He definatly might be primping himself for other girls. Duzzent mean hes doing anything with them. But what hes doing is unacceptable. And you have every reason to be suspiscious. Keep looking for clues or "red flags" like everybody is saying. And when you've had enough...just say goodbye.


What if the tables were turned???...What if you were doin that stuff? All i know is that i'd put a stop to that right away..or get outta there before i explode. lol


good luck


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