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Oh so young and so much to learn. Well I say if she is with her mom so much and family then the only thing to do is become good friends with the family to. Make them love you and she will realize that you care what she cares about.

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Well when you're in your twenties working overtime to support yourself and your massive student debt while trying to find someone to spend the rest of your life with while you're slowly getting drowsier and drowsier as the days go on and each day seems like a blur.


Then and only then will you look back and say : "WHY THE HELL WAS I SO UPSET ABOUT BEING A TEENAGER!"


Life isn't that tough, you're making it that tough. You need to lighten up, not having a gf does not determine your worth. What you need to do is think about yourself. Focus on you. Realize you and only you can make yourself happy. You could have every girl in the world begging you to be with them and still not be happy. It's all in YOUR hands.


Hold your chin up, take a deep breath and say "life isn't that bad."


Don't get me wrong, you have every right to feel upset, but feeling this way isn't going to help. Trust me. I've been there and done that. It's not a good thing for anyone to do. It's a self-destructive sprial and when you're doing it going out with someone will only drag them down with you.


If you become a bit more light-hearted, confident and easy-going you'll find girls will be attracted to you like a magnet. Other then that I'm not sure what else to say.


Hope this helps.

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Like I said it's all perspective. I'm not hating my life. I live I have to work hard but it's fun. Life is one big game. You play games don't you?


Sometimes you can spend a lot of time working on one aspect of the game so you don't need to worry about it later. That's right now. You need to focus on yourself and why you are upset. I'm not making you upset, neither is this girl or her parents. It's not your parents or even life. It's you. You need to realize you are unhappy because you are forcing yourself to be unhappy. If you wanted to be happy you can be... it's not that hard at all. You think it is, and so did I. It's hard to understand before you realize it.


Life is full of choices; choose to be happy.

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Dam straight! Heretic knows his 5hit. Being happy is your own choice always. And life is a game (in my perspective, challenge). The more challenges you face, and subsequently conquer - the stronger you'll become and the better a person you will be overall. You don't NEED a girl to be happy. Sure it'd be nice and help distract you from what's really bothering you, but before you work this out... you're not gonna get far. Sort yourself out first, build yourself a opssitive perspective on life, you'll be fine.

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I think that you also need to show that you are family oriented, and that she can count on you.


She is someone who needs support from others and maybe you aren't ready for that kind of commitment in a relationship.


She isn't a love her and leave her sort of girl, but break down the barriers and you may be surprised...


Besides, she isn't always with her mother is she?

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