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helloo anyone got any tips?

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hi im 14 an by the looks of it im done almost all my growing and also my whole family is pretty short and my dad stoped growing the exact age i am right now.an im only 5 6-5 7 and i wana b at least 5 11

does anyone have anytips on growing tller??and i dun wana resort to this but has anyone ever taking growth medication??


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Nothing will MAKE you taller, but you can appear taller by walking with good posture. If your height is hereditary, there really isn't anything you can do about it.


There isn't any medication that makes you taller to my knowledge. If there was, then no one would be short now would they?


Growth spirts happen at different times in adolesense. For some it's young, for others it's late in their teen years. I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. You're only 14, and even though your dad stopped growing at that age, it doesn't mean YOU will. Give it a few years and then see. In either case, 5'7''ish is not that short, and should never be taken into account when in a relationship.


You're height is your height. Nothing you can really do about except wait it out and see what happens later on. You're still going through puberty. Nothing is set in stone yet.

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First of all, the only way to officially tell if you won't grow any taller is by having an x-ray taken of your bones and seeing if the discs have closed. If that's the case, then the most you can do is appear taller, which comes from a number of things, shoes, hair, clothes, shirts that are a certain length can give the impression that a person is tall. As was mentioned earlier, posture is important too and while it wont do sanything physically, a person who is confident about themselves, including their height, appears "taller" as a person. And hey, I'm 19, 5'5" There are a lot of us not-so-tall folk out there and no matter what anyone says, height really shouldnt matter, infact, a shorter person, I've read is a more well designed, in evolutionary terms, person.



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