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Should I ask out my friend?

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Well i need some pointers on wether or not I should ask my friend out. I have known her for about 4 years now but we werent actually friends til the last couple of months...ive had a crush on her since ive known her. The thing that puts this situation on a very awkward level is she is my best friends sister and shes 4 years older than me im 20 shes 24 (but the age isnt the big thing). Well heres a list of things to consider:

-We went to six flags recently and she rode most of the rides with me instead of the other 2 friends we went with

-We have talked about some things involving us being in a relationship but mostly when drunk or in a joking fashion.

-It is hard to find time alone with her to ask her out since she has 3 other people that live with her and she doesnt have a vehicle and works a lot.

-She flirts with a lot of other people and not just me so im not sure if i should take the things she says seriously or if she is just playing with me like the others.

-She hasnt gone out with any guys since we became friends and i havent gone out with any women since we became friends.


Well there is other things i could write here but ill see if anyone replies before i go into more detail. This has been eating me up for over a month now on wether or not to risk ruining our friendship on a crush or if there might actually be something there on her side too.


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  • 4 months later...









Why? Because either one of three could happen:


1) you ask her out, she is not physically attracted to you, and then you feel hurt and embarrassed, and end up avoiding each other, thus ruining a great friendship

2) you ask her out, she says yes, you are in love for a while, then it doesn't work out, and it's akward, and you avoid each other, thus ruining what once was a great friendship

3) you ask her out, you guys fall in love, live happily ever after amen


look, i don't know....if i were you, i wouldn't...but what do i now? do whatever feels right

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  • 2 weeks later...

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