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What do guys consider more lickable..?

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i've had both extremes. The completely shaved thing is nicer to lick but there is nothing wrong with short hair down there either. You run into a problem when you have a girl who has only paid attention to her bikini line and never paid attention to the rest of the hair.


Ladies, trust me, pay attention to it, if you feel uncomfortable shaving just trim it down. I've been with two girls who kept theirs that way, and after they came, things got matted, clumpy, stuck to their thighs, lips, clitoris, etc etc. It is not only extremely unattractive to have white clumps, but probably painful getting them un-clumped.


As for why we like doing it so much, i love the up-close-and-personal aspect of oral sex on a girl. You are pretty much right there face to face with one of the parts of her body she is most embarrassed of due to taste, smell, look, whatever. Plus, its fun to watch their faces change when you do it right, with guys you really can't go wrong its so easy to do, but with a girl, there is so much goin on down there that its a challenge with very noticeable results. 8) i guess thats all ill say on it.

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I prefer it smooth down there, but a little patch on the mound is nice. too much hair just isn't a turn on for me, 1st the hairs interfere with everything, second you cant see the beautiful Yoni, and 3rd, it just seems more hygienic.


here is a question for the ladies, do you like your guys to trim back? have bald "spheres" or what? what would you prefer?

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Definatley smooth, its so trashy and gross to have a girl that doesn't keep up with herself in a place so valuable.. It's a turnoff when you go in for the kill only to find yourself trapped in the forrest.. seriously.. would you rather have a guy that trimmed up and kept himself nice or a big bush poofin out when you expose it??

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Ladies, trust me, pay attention to it, if you feel uncomfortable shaving just trim it down. I've been with two girls who kept theirs that way, and after they came, things got matted, clumpy, stuck to their thighs, lips, clitoris, etc etc. It is not only extremely unattractive to have white clumps, but probably painful getting them un-clumped.



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Ladies, trust me, pay attention to it, if you feel uncomfortable shaving just trim it down. I've been with two girls who kept theirs that way, and after they came, things got matted, clumpy, stuck to their thighs, lips, clitoris, etc etc. It is not only extremely unattractive to have white clumps, but probably painful getting them un-clumped.





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Thankfully, due to a stomach of steel. I am eating a Delissio Pizza whilst viewing this thread.


Anyway, I prefer shaven or trimmed. Nobody likes ventruing into a forest to find anything, let alone coming back with a souvenir in the form of a stray pubic hair.


This is where I'm going to stop typing, but continue to laugh.

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trimmed makes things look cleaner and more user friendly...haha


plus it makes his package look bigger and can boost a mans confidence


...I'm going to stop watching this thread now. Or at least finish eating before looking at it


I didnt mean for it to sound like men have small packages, I ment for it to imply that a lot of hair hides it

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trimmed makes things look cleaner and more user friendly...haha


plus it makes his package look bigger and can boost a mans confidence


...I'm going to stop watching this thread now. Or at least finish eating before looking at it


I didnt mean for it to sound like men have small packages, I ment for it to imply that a lot of hair hides it


I didn't actually say that it sounded like you were saying... Nevermind. This thread is like a broken pencil; Pointless.

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