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I havent slept in 3 days to be exact 74 hours. I can't stop thinking about everything in my life. I feel like I am going no where. I have no clue what to major in and well its that time to choose. Have all my generals done. I am scared I am going to make the wrong choice. Do I do Music Therapy, Yoga teacher, Singing Teacher, Techinical Crew for Theater, or something else. I feel so lost the man I love well never knew if he loved me but at least I still have him as a best friend. My friend almost killed herself last night I saved her she had to get 76 stiches in her arms and now she says she never wants to see me again and that she hates me because I wouldnt let her die. I just lost one of my best friends. I am horny all the time and want a real man now. I am sick of masturbating its not the same. I feel so lost and alone. I have no one to talk to and all I want to do is run. I can't find myself

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Well babes I know your reply to my post wasnt great ha but hope i can give you a better reply. As far as your education goes, I dont know you so i cant tell you what i think youll be good at but i can tell you, go for what your heart is telling you, think of what you want to be doing in 10 years time wether it be any of the above or something else, I know it must be difficult but you will find the right one for you and even if you make the wrong choice!?! Well at least you will have a decent education with a decent job and you can always go back to college, i know a 50 yr old that is in college. Well men i cant answer that coz as you know i dont know what goes through males heads and yes i mean their minds! ha. As for your friends im sorry if she tried suicide shes at the bottom of the pit and the only way she can go is up, you were a true friend for saving her so dont think any different, she will see you are a good friend it justs takes time when your in that position.

Good luck

P.S And remember when your at the bottom the only way to go is up

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I hear ya! All I can say is ride it out! Don't give in.


I know you probably hear "It'll get better" but that doesn't seem to help when you feel empty inside. Like there's this huge hole and you can't ever see it being filled. I'm there too. My ex went off this weekend to spend time with guy(s) she met online - dancing, laughing, kissing and sex. All I'm doing it sitting at home, watching TV, missing her and wondering if I'm ever going to find love again. Life sucks and all I or you can do is get up each day and hope eventually it gets better.

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Hey, first please get some sleep, okay? You'll feel better and worry less after you've slept. One way to help get to sleep is to exercise really hard...I mean, go out and jog till you're exhausted. Keep running and running and work off a lot of that pain. Jogging releases natural drugs into your brain, and you'll relax and feel better and be able to sleep. So, that's something you can do.


Second, it's OKAY to not make ideal choices. What's most important is learning how to set goals, achieve them, and then CHANGE your goals as life and circumstances change. You don't need to put all this pressure on yourself, it's not worth it.


Your friend has deep problems, and you cannot pile them on top of your own. It is not your fault, and right now she is incapable of giving you ANYTHING in friendship. That's not your fault...you did everything you could.


You are not alone in feeling the way you do. We're living in an age, in my opinion, where rules are constantly getting broken and torn down, and there's nothing but "do your own thing" to replace them. You need to reach out and create some structure for yourself. More stable friends, interests...and some kind of mentor that u can talk to at school. I highly recommmend that you contact your school's switchboard or website or whatever you have at your disposal, and find a student counseling program. This website is not enough for you now...you need a real person to talk to in person. Keep it confidential. Cry all you want and let all this out...and then move on better for it.


Hope this little bit helps.

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Great everything is tumbling down on me now. Dad has decided to sell the house. Mom is being kicked out finally after 5 years of cheating on dad that is if he can get her to leave and well I shouldnt have moved back home because now its time to find a place to live again. Oh well at least I have my music no one can take that away from me.


Thanks everyone for the advise. I try to sleep but I just lay there oh and I have been going running everyday and doing yoga and kickboxing....dosent seem to be helping to make me tired

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Yoga and kickboxing. Sweet! You'll get a guy no problem if you keep with that - all men like fit, strong, confident women. Don't give up hope!


Thanks, I started Yoga because I wanted to have time to just be calm and learn to get rid of stress. Plus it is great for sex I did kickboxing because I was raped a year and a half ago and I take out my anger from that in kick boxing.

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