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Does he still like me?

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I'm still having this problem with this guy I was dating from work. He broke it off with me after a month of dating and said he wouldn't have time for me and didn't want to hurt me. Then we'd hang out and he'd be all over me and giving me "the eyes" and touching me and wanting me to spend the night - no sex - but sleep over. That happened for a while, then we didn't see each other for a week and when I saw him earlier this week at work he could not keep away from me.. coming up to me and flirting again, poking me, throwing paper at me, standing there talking to me when he's in a completely other part of the restaurant and staring me down when I would flirt with male customers coming in.


So, a few nights ago he came to my house for a party and we were the only ones there for a few hours waiting for everyone to come over. Beforehand, In my car he stared at me and would just smile at me, then flirt with me and push me. He'd walk behind me and when I would turn around to see where he was at, he wouldn't say a word, just stand there staring into my eyes in "that" way (like I want you way.) So at my house he was doing the same thing...and now we're going to a concert together in November and have to drive to Los Angeles for it.


The deal is, I feel like he cares about me and would be with me, but something is stopping him from doing so. (He got badly burned by an ex 3 yrs ago is still talks about it.) So HELP! I'd like to know what you think about any of this.....!

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If he's showing you all of those obvious signs, then yeah, he definitely cares about you and probably wants to be with you. He either a. really doesn't have the time, b. is afraid of getting into another relationship after his ex burned him.. but he says he doesn't have enough time, or c. for a different, constraining reason but still calling it a time issue. If it is a time issue, it seems like if the feelings are there, that could easily be conquered. If he's still afraid from dating because of his ex.. that's probably going to take some time. If I were you, I would just continue what is going on now, but if it gets too serious, talk to him about what the status of your relationship is. Or wait until he initiates that.. either way, you might want to bring up his ex and see if that has anything to do with his unwillingness to commit to a relationship with you. Good luck.

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