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why am i doing this?(health question)

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ok..well..usually i am a health nut, i excercise regularly, eat right..but the past month i have totally changed. i dont have the energy to excercise most of the time and i have been eating junk food non stop. i dont know why i am doing this. i feel fat and have noticed i have gained about 5-10 lbs..


My friends i have talked to about this asked me if i was depressed, etc. but, im not..i've never been happier actually..


IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG?? has this happened to any of you before?? please help



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Wow, that's scary. The exact same thing has been happening to me.


Before about a month ago I was into weightlifting a lot and eating healthy (I am in fairly decent shape, but recently slumped), and then I went to this music camp, and I didn't eat healthy all week. Then when I got back I sort of ate healthy, again, but my eating habits didn't get any better. I was overeating, and I rarely worked out. I don't eat junk food exactly, just not super healthy food most of the time, and lots of it. I couldn't control myself sometimes.


Lately, I started cutting it down and am eating healthy again. Today, though, I did something that I haven't done in years -- ate at McDonalds (only because my best friend lobbied my mom and I to eat there). Fortunately, I worked out afterwards and burnt off all those calories and fat. I felt really guilty eating that hamburger and fries. And after watching Supersize Me, I was even more so.


Now I feel much better after working out. I'm starting to get my muscle back, and losing the few pounds I have been putting on over the past month or so.


Oh yeah, and I also have been very sleepy lately. I'm not sad, though, or depressed or anything. I've actually been my happiest lately. Now I just have to get used to working out and exercising again, because the results do show, and that just motivates me to keep doing it.


To answer your question -- I think it's just general lazyness. It's weird how that happens. When you're a young adult, you go through phases like that.

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okay so i'm in the exact same boat


i had been rather dormant with exercising most of the year, i'm not overweight by any means, just didn't exercise, ate about whatever i wanted...guys can tend to get away with that.


the summer came, started working out, every day, got in amazing shape, loved the body...slowly my visits to the gym dropped down to a few a week, started eating less healthy...on and on


recently i've forced myself into the gym...i'm not eating any candy/fast food/soft drinks.


try to follow the food pyramid by the usda...you can't go wrong with that.


it's so easy to sit at home, eat fast food and watch tv rather than getting out there and sweating. my motivation is knowing that i'm healthy and daily exercise and healthy eating will let me live a much longer and happier life.


don't force yourself to go to the gym, allow yourself to take off days, and you don't have to force healthy foods on yourself. i let myself take a day or two off a week from the gym and i eat healthy all week, then eat about anything on the weekends. gives me something to look forward to. i don't pig out on the weekends, but i let myself satisfy my cravings (within reason).


hope this helps.

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