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Romantic Scenes


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Do you and her do those things yet (make out, etc)? Maybe she is picturing you being the guy in the scene, and is nervous about doing something like that.


Just an idea. You know her more than us. In fact, you should ask her why she does that (like "I couldn't help but notice that..."), instead of having US try and guess why she does that.

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Sounds like being uncomfortable and embarrassed in a nutshell. I honestly haven't had that sort of problem since way back in my preteen years (Who knows, something like that), but when I'm out with all female friends you'll get a huge variety of responses and that one is common.


Some will yes, get all giddy and excited about the romance and be in love with every romance scene so to speak. Some turn red and/or cover their faces, yet others will pretend the floor or speck on the wall is oh so interesting. Then there is the rest of us that just sit through the romance scene popping popcorn like it was just another day at the office scene, it all depends on the person and the scene itself.

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Maybe she's uncomfortable during those scenes because she likes you and wants to kiss you, flirt with you, etc. Or maybe she's just uncomfortable watching scenes like that with you because your a guy and it's awkward for her.


Have you ever seen the Movie Eyes Wide Shut? It's got a lot of risque sex scenes in it. I went to see it with a male friend of mine. He was really fidgety and uncomfortable during all the sex scenes. So I have seen this before.

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He was really fidgety and uncomfortable during all the sex scenes. So I have seen this before.


Yeah, and those aren't your typical hollywood sex scenes either.


Another movie I would be unsure of with a date is Hitch. The whole movie is about dating, and how to win women over, so she would either be fidgety the whole movie, or not at all.

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LoL! I get that way too! I don't know. Maybe it's a unconscious reaction? Everytime I see a love making scene in a movie, I always kinda cover my hands over my eyes. It's just that kid in me that comes out. Maybe she also enjoys your company? She probably feels comfortable around you enough that she could react that way without feeling embarrassed.


It's almost like when I'm going through a haunted house, although I see these 'pretend to be' monsters approach me (and apprehend that they're not really monsters) I still get scared and scream. It's just a little silly suboncious reaction, that's all- similar to when a person gets grossed out when they see mushy romantic scenes!

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