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Well, I was an above average student until this year. Suddenly, I can't cope with school and don't want to have anything to do with it anymore.


I'm planning to drop out and be a private candidate for my last government examination next year. So, should I? Because my parents aren't very happy with my decision and probably won't do as I want to.


My mental health has been greatly affected by school and I can't do it anymore. I've cried more than 6 times in a month and all of it was because of school. I fear I might go crazy or suicide if I'm under so much pressure. I've skipped loads of classes and stopped doing my homework and folios just to stop and worry. This worry I have in me just won't leave me alone. So, if I don't do anything, the government might but then again, the lame government might not even do anything.


There's almost no alternative to high school in my country and they all force us to go through their torturing education system.


Please advise.

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We've all been there. You got to get through it. I've cried over schoolwork. I'll admit it. I had one class.. computer programming. Oh, I hated that class. I spent 20+ hours a week studying and writing programs for that class alone (not to mention I had 3 other classes). I felt like giving up all throughout the course. But I didn't! The final killed me and I broke down during it. I ended up walking out of there having finished half of the final. I regret that day so much...well then again I don't because I doubt my BF and I will be together if I hadn't...but that's becides the point. The teacher had completely lied about the exam. Told us the opposite of what we needed to study. I thought I was going to go insane!!! How I managed a C in that class is kind if a miracle. I am usually an A student...a B here and there.


But I think it's because I worked hard. I set a goal. I want to be an industrial engineer and that means I have to take some classes I won't enjoy. After the classes were over, I felt so much better. I was just like wow...I did it. All those sleepless nights of studying, all those days of just breaking down meant nothing anymore because I was done.


But I learned something. It's not the end of the world if you fail a class. Believe it or not but I thought I failed the computer class so much that I just accepted that fact before the grades were even posted and enrolled in a class for the summer. Some people do have to retake classes, and it's not teh end of the world. Lots of people would agree with school being hard. Because it is! LOL! All our mental health has been affected in one way or another.


Also what year are you? May I ask? Some years are harder in highschool than others. I'm a sophomore in college and this year is supposed to be my hardest. They want to weed out those that can't take the stress, because not only school, but life is full of a bunch of stress.

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Tough Girl,


I hear you. High shool isn't easy. It was long ago for me, but I remember it well.


Two of my sons went through a similar thing as well, and one decided to quit and get his degree another way. I supported him in his decision, and he has done well since and has a good job.


But the government here has different policies and one can quit at age 16.


I don't know how it works where you live.


Does your school offer any kind of counseling?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's how I look at it. I stopped going to school for the longest time because I couldnt stand going. I hate school with a passion. When I look back now, I should almost be completely done with school. I hate myself for not just toughing it out and I hate myself more for being the same way you are (not ment to be mean). School is school, its not ment to be fun. I'm going back now for me and for my girlfriend. Take time off, when your ready you'll want to finish it. I'm ready to get this part of my life out of the way and move on to the next chapter. Just breath, take time off, enjoy life a little bit and then go back. You'll know when your ready

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