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This is only a little bit of what ive started writing, but i wanted to know if people agree or disagree with my argument. ive gotten teenagers opinions and id like to know what adults think too. so say


1) if u agree

2) why/ why not

3) age

4) and for fun age you first fell in love



>>if you love someone, you shouldnt have to worry about whether or not ur going to see them within the next few months. people (adults) dont repect the love teenagers- young adults- can have for one another. yes, we're younger, we have not lives as long and we certainly have not experienced all that the world has to offer, but thats one of the points of being in love as a young adult: everything is new and innocent. THE MAJORITY of us havent been corrupted or experienced real heartache. we dont know what its like to have loved and lost. honestly most of us arent given the chance. we're sheltered and put into this little fish bowl and are told to experience the world but only by watching it.There comes a point in everyones life where they have to take that leap of faith and plunge into the real world.

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I agree, I don't respect the love of teenagers pretty much because... it's nothing at all compared to what it's like as you get older... Alot of them come on here saying it's the end of the world when they break up at 15,16,17.... and it's like heh, you've aint seen nothing yet...

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Well, and I'm going to be honest here, I have at many points in my life thought I have been in love. However, I've heard good argumetns for what I'm about to say. You don't fall into love. Rather, you become interested, attracted to or infatuated with someone. Love is developed, cultivated you might say. Despite the fact that I've never been in a relationship, I still feel confiident when I say that anyone under the age of 16, possibly even under the age of 18, doesnt have a clue what 'love' really is until they spend a good deal of time with their boyfriend/girlfriend.


One should also note that throughout history, adults and teenagers have never agreed on "the nature of being a teenager." And the fishbowl you speak of, well. I'd say we create that ourselves. Who hasn't ever felt that a person they're interested in is "out of their league" In fact, I think many young people seek a relationship to serve as a means to an end. A lot of people perceive that everyone else has someone, or is more sucessful at relationships than they and as such, go out to find love.


That isn't what love is about, it shouldn't be found to add a notch in your belt or make you feel happier or more accomplished as a person. We should give adults the credit they're due.


So many things in our lives as teens and twentysomethings are confusing and frustrating. Love seems to be at the root of many of those problems. Finding someone you can love isn't easy. and it wouldn't be as rewarding if it was. Love certainly DOEN'T mean never having to say your sorry and that's just the way it is.


and to borrow a line from Mr. Marcellus Wallace, :


"Now that's a hard, motherfuc**** fact of life, but it's a fact of life your a** is going to have get realistic about"


And I'm 19 and though I've been attracted to many a girl in my 19 years, I've never known one well enough to say that I "loved" her

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hey. for the most part i agree. look, as a teenage i see and know for a fact that probably 95% of those who say i love you dont know what they're talking about (in high school). but i am someone who is veryy mature and ican say i have loved. TOO MANY ppl misunderstand those feeligns of infactuation (which are the most intense as teens and thats why sometimes the heartache we young ppl feel is somtimes worse than that of someone a bit older). real love is when you can go long periods of time iwthout them and still vividly remember eveyr detail and still feel excited, this is why i have this argument that love at first sight simply doesnt exisit. time is necessary to know if you lvoe someone because love is after those initial exciting feelings die and you still want to be with that person. another thing, as an adult there are obstacles that dont occur in high school and really the real test of a relatinship happens. so its difficult to say love when you're younger.


no matter waht at SOME POINT or another we do have to experience real life--and that happens to ppl at all types of ages. so its hard to put a real age limit on it. i fell in love at 9 lol. i know it was real

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hey. for the most part i agree. look, as a teenage i see and know for a fact that probably 95% of those who say i love you dont know what they're talking about (in high school). but i am someone who is veryy mature and ican say i have loved. TOO MANY ppl misunderstand those feeligns of infactuation (which are the most intense as teens and thats why sometimes the heartache we young ppl feel is somtimes worse than that of someone a bit older). real love is when you can go long periods of time iwthout them and still vividly remember eveyr detail and still feel excited, this is why i have this argument that love at first sight simply doesnt exisit
I agree with this.


The age I fell first in love at was 7.

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