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I'm so scared right now, I don't know what's going on with my body. I'm 18, l had my last period July 11th and didn't get one since. I've had unprotected sex with my ex b/f in the beginning of August, and after I was late with my period had several pregnancy tests [and even went to the doctors for one] and they were all negative, and also i'm having no symptoms of pregnancy except for me feeling tired. I'm honestly so scared right now and I don't know what to do. Anyone think they know what's wrong?

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hey, first of all, dont worry, i know its hard but try not to think about it, believe it or not one of the reason that u might not be getting it, is because u r worried of being pregnant, and i know this because the same thing happened to me and i read almost every web page there is on "period delays" also make sure ur eating right, sleeping enough, doing exercise, not being stressed....ive missed my period for 3 months once, then i got it then i missed it for 2 months again...i still dont know what caused that, but i was soo freaked out, but it eventually arrived. so dont worry espceially with all the pregnancy tests uve done and even gon to the doctor, it should be fine.

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