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Making a person fall in love with you

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Hi I_love_rain_hugs_and_you,


If I am desperate, I think I might use a love potion. But there is no such thing in this world.


The disadvantage of using it is you never knew he/she really love you or not. He/she love you because of the spell. At the end, you would not feel happy anyway.


The advantage is you could enjoy some temporary artificial love.

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the big disadvantage is that you would have to go through life knowing that your relationship is not genuine...

sure they can show the signs of love, but you would definitely not feel it one bit...

It's like stealing, of course you feel good about it at the time, but then afterwards, you feel guilty...only with the heart, stealing it (through a magical potion) would plant a huge void in your life..

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no, thats crazy. the love wouldn't be love at all! it would be manipulation of the mind. like a Roofie, but directed towards "love". you'd be forcing someone to do something they can't do anything about, even if it did exist it would definitly be illegal (at least in the states) it would probably fall under the conviction of rape or assault, at least i would hope it would.



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the big disadvantage is that you would have to go through life knowing that your relationship is not genuine...

sure they can show the signs of love, but you would definitely not feel it one bit...

It's like stealing, of course you feel good about it at the time, but then afterwards, you feel guilty...only with the heart, stealing it (through a magical potion) would plant a huge void in your life..


I agree totally, you will go through life knowing that the person had to be forced to be with you, and is not with you because of their choice. In a way, they are being forced to be with you, and in my book thats rape.

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Now that's a really interesting topic question!


What if we turned things around and said:


Suppose this love potion was used on you, and you knew it. So although you feel genuine love for the person who used the potion on you, you know that it didn't use to be real. How would you feel about that?


trapped & pretty pissed off.



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Look for an Antidote.


Anyway, just because you love someone doesnt mean you are forced to be with them, I recently had to break up with someone I loved, because I realised it wasnt going to work out between us, and in this case she is a good person, unlike someone like in this hypothosis that basically drugged someone to love them.


You love someone but know they are bad for you, and you move on.


you find the witch and get anti-love potion #8

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There are such things as love potions. I've heard that White Witches use them.


However, I agree with everyone else. It wouldn't be right to trap somebody by doing this! Also how would you know when it was going to have to be 'topped up'?


I hope you entice this person in the 'normal' way.


Good luck and take care.

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It would be good.... you know for the ones who always tell you "fall inlove with yourself first"


so Drink it yourself, and fall in love with your self, then you'll beable to love someone else... probally doesnt work that way hah


other then that you might aswell just kidnap and brainwash someone cuz it would be exactly the same thing lol

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Why Would you feel trapped???????



Now that's a really interesting topic question!


What if we turned things around and said:


Suppose this love potion was used on you, and you knew it. So although you feel genuine love for the person who used the potion on you, you know that it didn't use to be real. How would you feel about that?


trapped & pretty pissed off.



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well i guess if you are lucky enough to have someone you would not need a potion. but for the people who are alone, it would be great for them. sometimes it is hard to see where someone else is coming from.

also, love is manipulation of the mind. you make someone love you, by what you say and do. you just do not go up to someone and automatically fall in love.

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