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Dating Someone with Kids.

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Ok...Here is the situation. I am 22 years old and have started dating ths guy who is 24 and has been divorced twice and has a set of twins (2years old) from his second marriage. They do not live in the same state as we do. I have not been around the kids at all he gets them in a couple of months. I have found myself falling for this guy very hard and fast. I really care about him. But I don't believe that my parents are too crazy of me and him being together. He is a wonderful guy and yes he has made mistakes and all but who don't? One thing that really attracts me to this guy is his love for his kids. I can tell when he talks about them that they are his heart and how hurt he his that they are not with him. My mother really liked the guy that I dated before and I feel that she has not let go of him yet and that she is not willing to give this guy a chance. Sometimes she even mentions that maybe we will still get back together and I don't know how many times I have told her that it is over. Anyway, how do I help her get over my last relationship and not hold my new guy's past against him and let him have a chance?

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Hi there..

My mom has hated every guy i have been with, including my husband of ten years. I have learned, that usually ( NOT ALWAYS, but usually) my mos is right. It made things impossible that she did not stand behind me. It made me feel like she couldnt give me the benifit of the doubt. I think your moms is really gonna try and protect you from the hurt that this guy could inflict. Heres the thing.. you probably wont be able to wait and see what happens. It is soomething your gonna have to learn to deal with.

I hope one day she will learn to just let you make your own mistakes-




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First I want to thank all of you for your advice. Another thing I want to say is that I am a strong believer in there are two sides to every story. This is what he told me about the first marriage they married when he was 18 she was like 24. He joined the army and had to be stationed in another state for a couple of months and while he was gone she cheated on him with different guys. He divorced her and that was it. Now with the second one they got pregnant and then they got married. After the baby's were born she was admitted to a mental hospital (don't know what for) he was going to stay with her and work things out she decided to move back to her home state and take the kids.

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