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oh my gosh do I have an STD??

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I have a sore bump down there.... I was recently fingered by a guy much more experienced than me...is it possible this is an STD? Can you get an STD from being fingered? & when you have genital warts or whatever is there usually more than one? I've gotten sores that are just kind of bumps before like random places like my shoulder blade or something and they just go away...could this be what that is? SHOOT I'm so scared please write back..

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he fingered you & now you have bumps "down below"....well, for one thing the bumps on your shoulder blades/back is probably just a simply case of body acne, primarily caused by sweat & temperature change. nothing more than some rubbing alcohol on a tissue wont remedy.


there could be a few things the bumps "down below" could be....


*there IS something called Herpes Whitlow (which is Herpes Simplex Virus, of the finger) did you notice any red irritated sores/bumps on his fingers? HSV, despite the social stigma that surrounds it, is NOT a serious virus, though there IS treatment there is no cure yet.




*did you recently shave down below? if so it could be Fallicalcitus (spell check) what that is, is irritated hair follicles that become inflamed after shaving. especially if there is a high amount of friction in the area and dirt & sweat sometimes get trapped under the cells & cause irritated red bumps & itchiness.




*did you by any chance change laundry detergents or underwear fabrics? it could also be an allergic reaction.


the worst thing you could do right now is self diagnose your symtoms to be either one or the other or both...go to a doctor & explain to him/her that you are sexually active & they can run a few tests for you. if they test you for HSV ask them for an IGG & an IGM exam, the tests will determine if it IS indeed Herpes Whitlow it will confirm it for sure.


and do yourself a favor before becoming sexually active, please attend planned parenthood with your partner (its free & it just may save your life). both partners need to get tested for all STD's. and practice safe sex, birth control pills, condoms etc. with every partner thereafter as well...b/c this may end up being nothing at all....but maybe the next time you won't be so lucky....don't risk it.





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most bumps that are std's are not painful. genital warts don't cause pain and nor does syphilis. the only thing that is painful is herpes and it's usually lesions, though may start out as bumps. pretty rare to pass by fingering though.


stay calm, take a deep breath and get it check out. it's probably nothing, but i would just go and get it looked at while it is still there instead of just letting it disappear on it's on. if it IS something, then you can get it treated sooner rather than later!

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oh and also HSV doesn't always turn up right away. You may not have got it from this particular person if you were with someone else before him...


but once again, we don't know, can't claim to know, only a trained medical pratitioner can tell. i hope there is a good clinic nearby where people are nice and...


don't freak out!


it's o.k. about 80% have herpes (oral or genital) and don't know that they do.


you can get HSV from oral sex too.

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Don't be scared. STD are called "sexually transmitted diseases" for a reason; no exchange of bodily fluids occurred in your situation, so chances are you are fine.


What you are worried about it probably an ingrown hair or just your regular pimple... I got terrified about an ingrown hair once, too--I felt such horror knowing that the only way I could've gotten anything would be through my long-term boyfriend cheating on me (we both had the habit of getting tested before starting new relationships)...!


So relax, take a warm bath or shower (warm water will soothe and soften the skin, if it is an ingrown hair... down there), and give it a couple of days to disappear on its own, hopefully.

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I agree with everything DragonGirl has said!


Go and see the Doctor straight away.


I get lumps down there often. Sometimes they're blocked hair follicles. Other times they're stress related. These ones can cause a lot of pain. When they burst puss appears, then blood. They leave scars!


Tell the Doctor/nurse or clinic and they'll check it out.


Good luck and take care.

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Did you shave down there in anticipation to this encounter? if so its very likely ingrown hairs.


genital warts are not the same kind you would get on your finger, and even if it could transfer, warts don't pop up that fast they grow kinda slow.


I assume your young and don't want parents to know what happened.

I understand your fears!


keep the area clean, don't squeeze or scratch the bumps, and definitely do not poke them with a needle to pop them.


other possibilities:


*Finger nail that poked you causing an infection.

*An allergic reaction to something on his finger (cologne, dirt, whatever)

*He may have pulled some hairs inadvertently while fingering, and the follicles got infected.


If you see no change for the better or it gets worse, then your going to have to make the effort to get checked, look in the yellow pages or on line for free clinics with anonymity go with a trusted friend.

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