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Met a girl, got intense, didnt even get her name, unsure


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Ok so I went to this dance/club/ whatever and I met this girl. We started grinding (whatever you call it) and then she turned around so she was facing me. We started making out and grinding at the same time and it got pretty intense and we were really going at it (but no sex). Then one of her friends came and said they had to leave then because there ride was about to leave so they rushed off and I never got her name or anything. I am still a little dazed as i have never done this before and I am wondering if I should go back (it is on once a week) to see if she is there. I don't know if she would want it to go any farther then that, maybe it was just a one time thing. Should I just forget about it?

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Drunk girls and any person for that matter shouldn't be taken seriously. I learned that in the past...when she was sober she didn't say much until she starts drinking we were all over each other.


I'm sure you'll find another encounters like that, besides if she turned around & kissed you I'm sure she at least found you attractive

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I dun wanna even know how old you are,

but the fact that you think (even at such a young age assuming that you are underage) you can find true love at a club...it just doesn't work...

maybe if you happen to be in a serendipidous situation and find this girl again in a different environment, and maybe get to know the real her, then maybe you can ave another crack at it...but from my experiences, girls like to paly around at clubs, they'll do antying, it's like an underage one-night stand....it's quite sad...why do u need to try to prove your social status at a club and try to have a relationship by rubbing up against eachother for a few hours...sounds kinda weird when you think of it that way don't ya think??

the point is, dude, get out, live a healthy positive life and meet someone u know u can trust, not one that ure scared might go to the same club u two met at to dance around with another guy...

just my thoughts

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Thanks, I get where you are coming from, but I don't think I will find love at a club, but maybe someone who likes to have fun and go out. I am only 15 and I dont even know what love is yet, i get that. But that doesn't mean I cant date. And if it was a one time thing thats fine too. I am not looking for anything serious yet. I enjoyed it and have no regrets about it.

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lol ite then bud

u seem mature ENOUGH to know that ure at a dead end if ure looking for love,

but I'm telling you, just try it, if you have like activities (work at a camp in the summer for eg) where u can meet new people u may find what ure looking for...and how about school? I'm sure you can eventually find a relationship...

but for now I think it's great that ure being realistic about this whole thing....lol but I can't help but think about how much people get caught up in infatuations only to get their hearts broken, and this isn't in reply to your post, its just a general question

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lol honestly man,

don't rush things in life...i know its natural to have this physcial attarction at your age so it's all good...

just make sure it doesn't become an obsession that's all

ive seen some freaky stuff because someone thought someone else was hot...let's just say "CAT FIGHT!!!" lol

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lol yeah ive seen that too. But i have to say I dont think that every girl at a club is drunk and on a one night stand sort of thing. I have a lot of friends who are girls that are trying to meet guys there. Also i have made some really good friends at places like this which could have been girlfriends if we had clicked.

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This is one of those situations where you are lucky that your a guy. Notice hwo it's only guys that are saying you have no chance at anything. The fact is many women are a lot more likely to accept going out with someone after fooling around whether drunk or sober. Usually it has to be the guys call though cuz women usually know that guys aren't normally interested. When I was 15 I fooled around with some guy while i was drunk at a party but then he got my e-mail from a friend of mine later and we went out for like a month and a half. We were really mismatched but I was open minded maybe she will be. I say there no harm in going back and asking her for her number.

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