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Before i get started on my problem here is some background on my relationship with this girl.


I was a sophmore and she was a freshman, I did not know her 'very' well in the start of the year but towards the end i started to get to know her fairly well and we were friends. We both went to the summer jROTC activities that were in July, and we started to get pretty close. She got a ride home with me and my friend and occasionally we would all go to my house. We flirted alot, and eventually i asked her out. Before i asked her out you could say we were pretty much almost best friends if not.


Things went extremely well. We completely fell for each other and fast--maybe a bit too fast. In the start of the relationship she said she never really felt quite this way about anyone else, she just felt 'drawn' to me. I felt the same way about her, and we both could see us going out for awhile. After about 2 weeks of dating we were in love with each other. The next four weeks went by just as well. School started and she moved into her new apartments with her mom. I was a junior and she was a sophmore. Then Last thursday, after school i got on instant messanger. She logged on at around 8, and we started talking. she asked what i was up too and i was learning to play guitar. She said "thats cool. Im...thinking brb" and went away for about 10 minutes then came back. We started talking again then i asked her what she was thinking about..and she never responded and eventually logged off after 10 mins of being idle. Now i kne w something was wrong.


Well next day at school she was kinda avoiding me, well long story short at the end of school friday she broke up with me. Said she wants to be friends right now and its 'because of stress of school and moving' and perhaps when the stress settles we could go back out but she 'cant promise anything'. She gave me a note to go along with what she said. It said things like she didnt want anything to be akward and how they wouldnt be, how she knows im like why the hell she did this, how she will no doubt miss me, and how she would still love me but like a brother (yea...ouch). Now i was cut and cut deep. i couldnt say anything but i managed to say if thats how she feels...and then she walked away and well i skipped the first 30 mins of practice and walked around the campus.


I wasnt the only one shocked, her friends were too, they said they were against it and only found out friday morning that she was and she gave them the same reasons of 'stress'. I have both spoken to and seen my ex yesterday and monday, both days in which she acted buddy buddy and nothing was akward. My dad had told me something about highschool girls that i pretty much already knew but brought to my attention. Feelings like 'love' and such are new to them (and me i suppose) and they dont exactly know how to deal with them yet and have alot of thigns running in their head, and within two weeks you will know if they want you back or not. Her friends too, are trying to talk her to reconsidering, or at least giving them the real reason why she did what she did. Question is, is it probable that she would come back?

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High school loves are difficult. She could be afraid to trust guys on a personal level like that. Some girls are really confident with guys being their friends and protectors but when it goes to the next step they may feel like they are loosing the friend while gaining a boyfriend. If that makes any senese. I would give her time and space. I would let her know that you still want to be friends with her (if thats what you want) but dont push the relationship issue. Relationships take time. And can't be rushed. Hopefully this helps.

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I dont think that , she completely opened up to me though, i remember an email i still got from about 3 weeks ago. its a short paragraph describing exactly how she felt, and it was a pretty deep email (she was out of town in california for like 5 days when she sent this).


"Ever since I started going out with you I cant seem to make myself stop loving I mean it just keeps growing and i cant stop it. All i want to be is in your arms and all i want to be is yours. I love being in you loving embrace (its the place I feel safest) and I want to be in it every day for the rest of my life. There is not one day when i don't think about how much I miss you all the time. Every time we say "I love you" I get this incredible fluttery feeling and I love it!! I always feel like I can tell you anything no matter what,things that I could never tell any one else and that means a lot to me. I will always be faithful and honest with you. Baby, I love you and words can never express how much. You are my special some one and the person I want to be with I can't see myself with any one but you. You are my baby and I won't have it any other way. You are one of the only people I have ever gotten so close to in such a short amount of time. I know you love me for who I am, you never have expected me to be any thing more than me. You saw me for who I was, never lose that quality.

I love you more than words can explain and I miss you so very much"


This is what we had, and all of a sudden its just gone and i have no idea how the hell it happened. dewerte you made a good point but i dont think it was that now that i think of it. But then again i have no idea what it possibly could be. but thanks for the advice.

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