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In Love with a friends girlfriend

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Hey there I was wondering if I can get some help I met this one girl who is the most amazing girl I ever met before she is what I always wanted. I got to know her but I found out that she was going out with my friend. That made me feel a bit bitter. The more I got to know her the more I wanted her to be mine. I know her for 2 months now and I wanted to find out if she liked me or not. I do not know what the best thing to say to her. I know that her and her boyfriend has been having problems like he would ignore her and everything like she is not there. I want to tell her my feelings for her but I don't know whens a good time or how to start the sentence in anyway. I love and long for her for so long. If I have to wait then I wait but I have no more patience anymore. I wanna win her heart. This her boyfriend which is my friend don't even care about her. When she crys he's not there, When she needed someone he's not there. I am always there for her in times when she needed someone to care. What should I do I want to tell her I love her but I don't want my friend to hate on me. so confuse. How can I tell her I love her.

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Aagh this is tough ur friends girl is like territory u dont touch, I think u should talk 2 ur friend 1st and find out how he feels about there relationship, also I think u gotta work out what means more 2 u your buddy or this lady, then take it from there, but relax first and foremost, everything'll work out.

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Hello Rev_Limit,


Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I understand that you very much like your friend's girl.


I have to agree with pimpcess, here. Are you ready to give up your friendship with your friend for this girl? That's what might happen. Pimpcess is right: you might want to talk to your friend first. I can't imagine 'stealing' my friend's girl. He'd kill me, I am sure


I hope things will work out for you the way you have them planned and wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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I'va got to agree with both of them. A friends girlfriend no matter how shaky the relationship, is like the forbbiden fruit. I think there is a good chance that one of the reasons you like her so much, is because she is dating your friend. You may want her because yu think you cant have her. It is very paisible that yiou may wake up in the morning after telling her and realize that you have lost a friendship that you can really never get back. If you want to make a move, you are gonna have to decide, the girl or your friend. In my opinion a girld should never come between friends, but i have never been put in a prediciment like this one.

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Whoa... that's a real tough one you're in man..


The other posters are absolutly right. You mates girlfrinds are well off limits.. Usually for reasonable period of time after they have split up too..


If I can give you the benefit of my experience, something happened similar to this in my click of mates 5 or 6 six years back. Got very very messy and people allenede up taking sides.


Just think apon yourself if you can how you would feel if a someone you considered a friend poached your girl from you, man..


Believe me it will get really messy. Defo chat with your mate first, apart from that.. don't reall know what to say..


Wish you the best..


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Hello Rev_Limit,


Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I understand that you very much like your friend's girl.


I have to agree with pimpcess, here. Are you ready to give up your friendship with your friend for this girl? That's what might happen. Pimpcess is right: you might want to talk to your friend first. I can't imagine 'stealing' my friend's girl. He'd kill me, I am sure


I hope things will work out for you the way you have them planned and wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~


Thankyou 4 agreeing!

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