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about a one night stand...can some guys answer plz

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People who think like that obviously have no respect for others.


Even though they broke up, they're still in a relationship. Just not a boyfriend/girlfriend arrangement.


The right time is when you're in a comfortable relationship with someone, and are planning for a future together.


One-night stands aren't really great, whichever way you look at them =/

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I have plenty of respect for others. I just don't see how people can impose their values onto people who are free and single.


Seriously - what if this guy was a jerk and was cheating on her for months? Breaking up and having sex with another guy the next day isn't a bad thing.


I don't consider myself to be in any kind of a "relationship" with my ex-boyfriends. I see them on the street and I say hi, and we have small talk. We don't go out to dinner, we don't talk on the phone, we don't fool around. The exact same relationship I have with the secretary in the front office, or the girl who cleans my teeth. Am I not going to sleep with a guy because I'm afraid it would upset my dental hygenist? No, unless it's her boyfriend.


comfortable relationship with someone, and are planning for a future together.


Well, just because you think that the right time to have sex is when you are engaged to be married doesn't mean that that's what everyone should do.


Honestly, I have nothing against one night stands. I've been there myself. And guess what - I've even found some to be very helpful. Two consenting adults, after all.

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