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hOW do I ask tHe Gurl of my Dreams on a date?


I thought I could just ask her out on my MSN messenger.


Then I thought about it so then I would just call her on the phone and put on a love song that would express my feelings towards her.


Then I thought she would hang up while I play the song.


So then I thought I could confront her at her own house and ask her then. I think that just confronting her will make her have to say right?

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Definitely should be done in person. You can express your feelings not only in words but body langauge too. bring her flowers or something original. All the advice I really have for you is to just do it in person. Well the best of luck to you!! I hope you get the girl!!

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hold the phone ....you want to just ask her out right? From you're post earlier today first I said you should take her out on a tuesday...lol

no really...anyway

Just hold the drama, and ask the girl out....if you see her alot than asking in person is nice...(dont bring flowers til the date). And if you dont see her, a phone call is fine.

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someone else mentioned flowers...i dunno if that's really appropriate for a first date...plus too it puts more pressure on you and it seems you are a shy person. I suggest no flowers first date, but be very "chivalrus"...yes that means opening the car door for them.

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