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Everything posted by highschooler_in_LuV

  1. hOW do I ask tHe Gurl of my Dreams on a date? I thought I could just ask her out on my MSN messenger. Then I thought about it so then I would just call her on the phone and put on a love song that would express my feelings towards her. Then I thought she would hang up while I play the song. So then I thought I could confront her at her own house and ask her then. I think that just confronting her will make her have to say right?
  2. I'm gonna ask the girl of my dreams out to something that we both enoy. So I'm thinking whats the best day to go on our date? Is it still Saturday or is it like anyday since its the summer. & another question, Is it better to go on a date in the evening or the afternoon?
  3. I'm taking the advice of an expert and asking a girl I've fallen in love with and forgeting about that other guy that hasn't made a move after the end of school dance. I keep thinking when I ask her out she'll freak out and say no. & if she does say yes I don't a specific place. The most regular answer is to go to the movies. The problem is is that everyone goes to the movies and I don't want her to get all mad at me. The only other place I can see taking her is a light jog around the neighbor hood or a friendly game of 1on1. My town isn't big at all so I don't have many options.
  4. I've fallen in luv wit a gurl that I've known and shes like the perfect gurl great smile, smart, athletic, and beautiful. I just found out that a guy that I know from school asked her to the annual school dance for graduating middle school. I don't think its that serious but she always jokes around wit people saying that their going out. My question is should I just wait to see what her move is or do I just suck it up and ask her out or do something different?
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