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So im finally a senior this year but the problem is everything has changed so much and I dont really have anyone to talk to or depend on anymore. I wish this year would just end already so I can go to college and start a new life


Man, you sound just like me... I'm a senior too (although a lil bit older than you), and I just started like 2 weeks ago. And man, I expected something far better than this. I at least had hoped this year would be as good as the last one, if not better, but it's turning out to be horrible. I get to see my friends like once a day, and I'm having a hard time connecting with these new ppl I have in my classes... And some ppl from my old classes, who even though I didn't know that well, I see on the hallways and try to say hi, but they act all weird. Not that I care too much about that, but there's gotta be a reason... I thought this year would be a lot better and more fun... But all I got is a bunch of hard classes (some of them I don't even like or wanna be in), and few friends... I dunno what to do... I'm gonna join a club and see if I meet more ppl. But still, it's not what I had in mind... I wanted to do so many things, but I guess it will not be possible...

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i hope youre not putting too much hope in starting new. because if college doesn't exceed your expectations, i'm sure u'll find yourself feeling trapped, wanting to escape again. i would definitely recommend join different clubs to meet more people and do things that you'll like. i found a home at college through greek life.

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Going into a different grade it tough, but socially (new people in classes) and academically (heightened work load). I wouldn't recommend finding refuge in the hope that this year will end soon because all that philosophy will do is make you desperate, frustrated and annoyed at the turtle pace things are going at in the present. Try and join clubs, talk to people you don't know to well, and take the innitiative to socialize a bit more to remedy your social problem. Remember that change is always a hard thing to go through, and you just have to be open and willing to adjust to those changes. You'll see that a simple change in attitude will make it all the more bearable.

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