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My b/f and I broke up, had NC for about two weeks or a little more. It was helpful because things were getting really, really bad at the end, he was yelling and I was crying.


He was always very unaccepting of little things I was doing and he was sort of a drama queen and kind of controlling. O.k., well, really controlling. After we broke up, he sent me an email saying that for the record he knows he was controlling, etc, etc, and hopes I heal my spirit and find someone new.


Well, he owed me some money, paid me back and I wrote him an ecard thanking him, saying I missed him and that I hope he was spending quality time with friends. He replied saying he'd been thinking about me when he was away for the weekend and that he really did love me and he wanted to see me. So, we've settled for meeting at my place tonight and walking over to the park to have dinner.


The thing is, I'm kind of anxious about it, and ever since we started discussing hanging out I've been playing stories in my head about how it is going to go and how he is going to criticize this or that about my room or something. I'm worried he is going to criticize me and I'm going to snap back at him because no longer am I willing to tolerate that kind of dynamic that we had during our relationship.


Part of me wants to email him before we meet to express my concerns, but I don't know if that would be very helpful or not. What do you think I should do?

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