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Took you for granted ?

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i would like to know what signs of a girl took u for granted.. like she just talks to you bec u r nice and maybe running after her not bec she really wanna talk to u ... what if i stopped talking to her and she began to intiates talking and try to talk.. iam talking about friendship and love levels.. thanks

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i dont want to offend you, but can you please write a more complete post as i can not fully understand what it is you are saying.



are you speaking hypatheticals?

are you talking about yourself?

do you actually need a question answered?

are you just trying to start a conversation on this post for the fun of it?

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it could mean anything, especially in your case. It could be an attention seeking stunt, it could be that she wants you, it could be that she feels bad for something that has happened between you.. list goes on. Can't say anything specific from that little information. (And couldn't say anything more than guesses based on my experiences anyway)

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Yeah... Maybe if you tell us like, your story and how you two got talking and stuff, what you talked about etc.. and then why and when you just suddenly stopped talking to her and how she responded to that.. then we might be able to help you a bit

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