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My girl friend seems to like my close friend


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well me and my girl friend have been going out for a couple of mounths..even though we are young (i'm 14 she 15) we are serous. Well she likes to flirt with my friend when i get her mad, but resently she has been flirting with him alot when she wasn't mad at me. When im not around i always hear they are cuddling for while and stuff. But i just want to know if any1 thinks she likes him or she just likes getting me mad

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well did you ever ask her about it? Did you ever ask her about her feelings toward him? If you have then you should go with what she said if you havent then you should talk to her about it. She should really know how you feel about this.And how do you know that what other people say that she is doing is true? I think you really need to talk to her about it.And teenagers like to flirt its just how they are. I bet you flirt too.

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thx for the advie.. i had talk to her about it. she says she just does it by mistake, but once i flirted with her friend to show how i feel and she wouldn't talk to me for a couple of hours.. so im kinda thinking its unfair and hipocrited(how ever you spell it) of her flirting.

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Skip this b. There are other girls out there who don't act like her. It isn't nothing to worry about fixing or sorting out. If there is any kind of indescretion and its all her doing, well then just break up with her. Stop letting her ride on your wings and just leave her out on the curb. I garuntee she isn't the last girl or best girl you will see in your life.

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I can understand flirting by mistake, but I don't know about cuddling by mistake. What did she say when you approached her about the cuddling issue?


Let her know that you don't like it when she flirts, just as she doesn't like it when you flirt. If she respects you, she shouldn't be flirting in your presense, and she should tone it down even when you're not there. You might not be able to stop her flirting completely since that's what makes life fun after all, but just make sure that if she flirts, it's completely harmless and that she's not actually lusting after other boys.


Watch how she acts for the next week or two. Does she stop flirting with your friend after you tell her you don't like it? If she doesn't, she's not worth it. If she does, maybe she respects you after all!

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No no... She cuddled with some other f. Oh yeah, excuse me, thats ok though. Thats perfectly natural and it's acceptable. F no! You should dump her and do it in a fashion that makes her feel bad. You are the man. Act like it. No excuses. It doesn't matter the age. You will make your self look like a real b11ch if you let her do this. As I said before, there are other girls who will appreciate your love out there. BTW, if she was completely in to you, she wouldn't even think of other guys. And if she isn't fully in it for you, then whats the point? Stop wasting your valuable time. Life gets short faster than you may think.

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No no... She cuddled with some other f. Oh yeah, excuse me, thats ok though. Thats perfectly natural and it's acceptable. F no! You should dump her and do it in a fashion that makes her feel bad. You are the man. Act like it. No excuses. It doesn't matter the age. You will make your self look like a real b11ch if you let her do this. As I said before, there are other girls who will appreciate your love out there. BTW, if she was completely in to you, she wouldn't even think of other guys. And if she isn't fully in it for you, then whats the point? Stop wasting your valuable time. Life gets short faster than you may think.

i say he is right.....only cuz kooto is dating my SISTER

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