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dead end job/career

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hi. i'm really in need of help of a job/career. i can't seem to keep a job because almost every job i ever had, usually lasts at least one month. every time i go to fill out an application, they say they'll call me, but i never ever hear from them ever again. i've been working at a wal-mart in the state of new hampshire for 3 months, and they let me go 2 months ago and haven't found a job ever since. the job was temporary. i went to quite a few interviews, and i often get a little nervous. i don't even have a high school diploma to qualify for the jobs that i really want to get into. i've always wanted to pursue a career in either forensic art, (sketch artist) the military, (air force) modeling, or acting. two of those jobs require a high school diploma or an equivalent. i think the reason why these people never call me back could be because of the lack of experience of the job that i want to get into that i have or it could be something that i could be putting on my job applications. the type of job that i have experience in is housekeeping, office work, fast food, and cashier, but every time i have a cashier job, i always get fired or warned for having cash shortages in my drawer. it's not that i steal the money or anything-no i don't do that. i'm a failure when it comes to math, and math is my weakness. i'm so bad at math that whenever i was working at burger king doing drive-thru or taking orders at the front register, sometimes, the registers don't work, and i have to calculate the amount of change each customer gets back in my head, and end up giving out the wrong amount of change. (like if someone gave me a twenty dollar bill or a fifty dollar bill) i don't know what to do anymore. do you think i'll ever be successful? i would like to find some kind of job employment agency in my area and see what i can find. any other suggestions?

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Why don't you get your high school/GED?


It would offer some more opportunities and open some more paths up (ie into the military, police force, etc). Even with a job-employment agency you may find yourself limited, as they just fill the demand from employers who often will require high school as a minimum.


Look at a long term, successful path towards your goals, not just at the final goal. Don't limit yourself out of fear.

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I agree with RayKay.


You could be doing some sort of course. Instead you're letting time fly past you.


I hadn't been to college for years. I've suffered with depression for 5 years.


Last year I went to college to do a Psychology course. I met new people, enjoyed the course although it was hard, and pulled myself out of the depression. I don't think I did very well in the exam, but look what I achieved. A confidence boost.


Take control and do something about it!


Good luck.

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Heres a suggestion; get education somehow. I think if you can ace a business math class then thats all you need at your current situation. Anyway, I don't know any unsuccessful hard working people. So start doing that. I don't know why people don't just lose weight, or just don't quit smoking, or whatever. Just f'ing do it. Never been a problem for me. You act like you care about your career and your future. So take action. Never take a day off from your job. Never slack off. Never be a bum. Go above and beyond the call of duty. Work every extra hour. Make sacrafices. But it is hard work first, and determination and desire.

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I definitely feel your pain, back in 2002, I was layed off working in a retail position. I felt completely lost and hopeless, then 2 months later my grandma died. It took 2 tragic events before I realized I needed to get myself together. That I can't really depend on anyone but myself. I made the important decision of getting my high school diploma. I found an online program offered in my state, and I finished all my classes completely online. Maybe your state offers something similar? I know that being able to complete my education online was definitely easier for me, as I didn't have the distractions of high school, and it was a great learning experience, I received my hs diploma 8 months later and have since then, found many rewarding job opportunities.

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  • 3 months later...

i have to say this, but i don't wanna be mean or feel that i'm a discriminator, but it's hard for me to find a job up here in hampton, new hampshire because they act like they don't want african americans (or "black" people) to work. they always have a hiring sign up, but whenever i apply, (sometimes more than once) they never hire me. i've heard that a lot of racism is going on in n.h. there's a lot of "rednecks" around town. i've tried so hard to get a job up here. i've ran out of places to look. any advice?

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  • 2 months later...

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