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hey guys ever noticed that most women will not take u as serious if u beg and moan after them? Just try ignoring her for a while and play her 'games' see how quickly she'll start to pay attention to u, and another, check this - a guy approaches a woman and she fends him off with some sharp remark, if he fumbles and loses confidence his chance is lost, but if he can retort and keep her intrested, be bold even, she will more likely loosen up. plus alotta women like a guy with a rep that precedes him, so called 'players'. they are called that because they get allota girls in bed right? wrong! because they play the games that women want to. whatever her man isn't doing right, the 'player' will, now she aint looking for love and affection from him, she's looking for satisfaction, every once in a while to refresh her on what a real man is and how to treat a woman. though women may try to deny it, they do not really want to be the leader in the relationship, they want the man to take control, it makes them feel secure, so a guy who is shy and soft won't attract her as much as a more aggressive, confident man. not a arrogant one, thats over doing it. to keep a woman, u should always keep the torch lit, be Spontaneous. if she can predict your every mood, your're doomed, but don't be over romantic, mushy-mushy aint to attractive. and for Pete's sake, compliment the woman once in a while. make her know how good she looks, but don't be afraid to be honest when u have to. if u become a yes man, again your're doomed.


i aint no king of women or nothing, heck im only 20. but i'm a quick learner, i got alot more to learn but if its one thing i know


-give a woman what she needs and she'll give u what u want.


( and i don't mean just sex)

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Anything else ? So many people think they have it cracked when debating on how to keep a woman interested . Whether you go for the whole "play it cool" or "sweep her off her feet" method, at the end of the day, a guy's enthusiasm for being spontaneous,complimenting and keeping the torch lit will fade along with her interest in you ! THERE IS NO ONE WAY TO ACT WITH A WOMAN TO GET HER INTERESTED IN YOU !!! Who cares about techniques for attracting women ? If you have enough self-confidence, you wouldn't have to play any games...women would be drawn to you instinctively. I'M SORRY, but it's only losers that devise plans. Leave the game-playing to their inventors...women. 8) 8)

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I dont like guys that play games, because i dont play games. Ive read alot of posts on this site from some so many guys that i think are just so incredible and amazing. They seem to be the type of men that classy women would love in their lives. If you stick around, you will gain alot of more knowledge from them, as u seem to have PLENTY more room for learning...


I dont like players...


Thats just not my style, and if im not feeling him, or feeling something special for a guy, then i cant be with him just to satisfy my needs as u've indicated..its alot deeper than that. I would never deny the fact that i want a strong man to be the leader in my relationship. Im a strong and independent woman, thereforeeeeee I must have a stronger man by my side. A guy whose conversation is mediocre and his character seems to be weak, just wont work 4 me. A man that can bring a smile to my face because he speaks intelligently, sensibly, and i can detect his many strength thru his conversation alone,...definitely can get a chek mark in my book...this kind of man, i can submit myself to...


but a weak man, that likes to play games? oh no...not even worth my time...thats what women DONT want...



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Cookies, I agree with you whole heartedly. Off with playing games, and on with being real! There's no way in the world that I could be with a man that's unable to carry on a deep, or intelligent conversation. If you can't be a decent conversationalist with someone, then how can you possibly connect or form chemistry? Sure, I don't mind compliments everyonce in a while, or having a physical closeness that provides a sense of security, but don't be fake about it. It takes more to make a woman happy than the minimal amount of attributes I've touched upon; but the main point is, don't be weak. That could really screw a relationship over big time.

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