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flirting is such a big word... anything can be flirting nowadays. Man, you can just talk to a person of the opposite sex and that is considered flirting by some people. I think generally with flirting its like talking a lot more than usual to a person of the opposite sex, laughing, being playful with them, etc. lots of eye contact too. Is there such a thing as flirting too much? Well, if you aren't into the person, then you shouldn't flirt a lot with them (they get the wrong idea), and if you are, then generally you can flirt as much as you want but read their signals too, like if they flirt back with you consistently than keep flirting but if they look like they are getting annoyed then put an end to it.

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first of all what is flirting. thats a difficult long question lol. but lets see, simply defined i would say its when you act extra warm towards a person because of a physical attraction. but thtas when you are intentionally flirting. you can sometimes flirt wihtout intending to and thats basically just saying thigns or acting in an inviting mannor implying that you are attracted to that person. classic signs are adjusting your clothing/hair, saying things of a sexual nature, and stuff you dont even notice like licking your lips or watching the person straight in their eyes for an extended amount of time. now if therse sucha thing as flirting too much? well yes...because it can come accross as desperate, skanky or just plain rude. depending on the situation and your relationship with the person.

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Flirting is basically a way of showing someone that you are attracted to him/her, done both verbally and non-verbally. Body language can often tell more about what you're thinking, more so than the actual words you say. Being lovey-duby, getting into his/her personal space, complimenting, smiling and touching (not inappropriately, of course) are examples of flirting, but are not ALWAYS sure signs of it.


Eye contact + smile is the biggest indicator of flirting. It shows interest in the person, and shows that there is a "connection" between the two of you. Also, if the target's pupils begin to dilate, that is a good sign.


Hope that helped.

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