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19LBS in 8 days, Im on my way

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Ok well Ive been trying to lose alot of weight lately and well Im nowhere near my goal yet but Ive lost 19 pounds in like 8days. Im being relatively healthy, I only eat when Im hungry, I dont just shove down a meal because i "should", if Im not hungry. Ive been drinking LOTS of water and juices, my two jobs plus walking 4 miles home everyday has helped alot, i still have like 35 pounds left to go, atleast but Im on my way.does anyone else have some other tips for me?


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Exercise Exercise! My brother was very overweight and he ended up losing about 150 pounds just by stopping the junk food, eating the healthy food, and WORKING OUT! He looks so great, he was above 300 pounds, now he is about 6 foot 180 lbs. He looks GOOD! Even if you just go for a walk a day or something, anything to get your body pumping harder. Maybe go to a local gym, the regular lifters and stuff will help you a lot and tell you some reps to follow. CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work

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just be careful with this. Losing weight is a good thing and all, but some people take it too far. Exercising is great, really good for you, but DO NOT OVERDO it. I really worry about you in your case because you lost such a big amount of weight in a small amount of time. That is not good for you. I think you should make sure you are eating regularly. My friend got into this exact same thing - it started out iwth her trying to be healthy, exercising and eating healthy, she turned anorexic, and its TOUGH to get out of that. So make sure you are eating lots oK? and with exercising it is GOOD to gain a bit of weight because you gain muscle.. so work on your weights and stuff on top of the cardio. You will be toned and fabulous.

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im not exactly overwieght, in fact im underweight


19lbs in 8 days is a lot to lose so quickly, particularly if you are not already carrying a lot of weight.


The main thing to concentrate on is eat the same amount of food as always but eat healthy and exercise. Don't overdo exercise or you will just stress your body.


Don't skip meals because your metabolism will simply slow down and you will just put the weight back on faster than you took it off and you get into the whole yo-yo effect and eating disorders.


Finally don't lose too much weight. You'll weaken your body, lose muscle and weaken your immune system.

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I also agree that losing 19 lbs in 8 days is waaaay fast! The healthy amount is supposed to be 2 lbs a week (so you're already 17 lbs over that max. limit!) because if you lose more than that per week, it's really easy to put it back on. In addition, a lot of that weight is probably water weight if you've been cutting down on your eating and drinking lots of fluids, since fluids help you release water.


You should eat regular meals, and just make those meals healthier. Don't skip meals, even if you're not hungry, because you will slow your metabolism down. The less you eat, the slower your metabolism gets, and the less you will need to eat, which may be why you don't feel hungry when you should be feeling hungry.


My roommate right now skips one meal a day and barely eats anything when she does eat, but her weight hasn't budged for aaaaages. And I remember the last time I was on a diet, I ate six times a day (reaaaaally healthy meals) and exercised three times a week while doing weights, and the pounds just melted off.


So just make sure you're doing it the right way! And if you don't do weights, definitely hit those weights!!

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I was in a similar situation a few years ago... where I lost a lot of weight extremely quickly... unfortunately it had some bad side effects such as I ended up getting gallstones and having to have my gall bladder removed which is fairly common for someone who loses or gains weight really quickly also your hair could start falling out and you can end up bruising easily and also start having heart problems This is all from my experience in extreme weight loss... My advice is try to lose the weight in a safer manner and not so fast cause the side effects are ugly...



good luck and be safe

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