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Men throwing back there long hair....

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It could be.


Fidgeting is often a sign that there could be interest.


How does he react around you? As far as you know; does he have any interests in you?


How'd you feel about him? [silly question.]


[Edit I nearly forgot. Welcome to eNotAlone!


well, he react kinda silly around his friends butusually when its just him and I, he's quiet. Expecially on the phone, he'll be speechless so i try to start a conversation with him and it works, though were both usually just quiet. I caught him of course checking me out then when i turn he seems embarrased??? Im not sure if he has intrest in me, but he seems suspicious. His friend once caught him looking at me and she said "why are you looking at her like that?" he didnt say nothing and i turned around and he stopped staring. So i dont know if hes into me or not???

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It kind of seems to me like he is interested. Of course, everyone shows interest in different ways, so it's hard to really say that he for sure is.


Are you interested in him? If you are, then talk to him more. Just get to know him and soon he will be less shy around you. Just try to spend a lot of time together, you will soon find out if he really is interested.

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Yes, im intrested in him.

Though, there are some things i get nervous about. Sometimes i cant get any more ideas to start a good long conversation. Sure, i'll ask him, How was your day? what are you doing for vacation? then i seem to run out of what to ask. Also keeping etye contact, I'm very shy looking at him and i dont want him to think im not intrested in him. I'm close friends with his sister tho, i dont want her to know i like her brother. it would be a good idea to ask her what he likes and all, but to me telling my friend that i like her brother seems incomfortable or asking any of my crushes friends. any help?

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You could ask hes sister who he likes somehow.... And when you do make conversation with him if your run out of things to say just keep asking questions like your ask what you do at vactions and he replies watched a film ask him what film was it good who he go with and maybe if hes going again can you go along with him..... try and flirt with him and see if he flirts back if he does then youll know if he likes yor or not....

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it would be nice to ask my close friend of who her brother likes, but to me its kinda uncomforatable ask her that. i just dont want to ask her who her brother likes....she'll pick up the idea that i like her bro. even her brothers friends...

she mentioned to me once that her brother barely tells her things like who he likes who and stuff..tricky.....any good use of help here???

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