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Date three... Bet you guys are hating me now..

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I haven't asked CE yet, but I'm sure I will get a third date. I really want to try and actually PLAN something this time. Before asking her, even. We've done the barhopping, we've done dinner at my place, so any ideas what could be a good third date?


I don't want to be too sappy. I feel it's too early for romance. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I'm really trying not to try to too hard, ya know? Maybe I should let her decide? Maybe that would be good, since I just want her to have a good time with me anyways.


Honestly, I'm a big homebody. I love sitting at home watching movies. I don't mind going out, but home is where my heart is. Unfortunately that also makes me a bit of a bore at times. And I don't want her to think that yet. Got to reel her in before she realises how lazy I really can be, heh.


I just really have no clue what to do. Do you think it's too early for, say, a date to the zoo with my son present? If this is ever going anywhere she has to adore him and him her. His approval is everything to me. I'm not looking for a new mom for him, his is fine at that, but it's something I keep in mind.

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OKay okay... Off topic, but I just need some answers to this one. When she left on Friday She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. It was great, and I'm assuming she didn't mean it in the friendly "thanks for dinner, pal, that was nice" kind of way. Could I be wrong about that?


Blast me for not kissing HER!!


I think I'll ask her tomorrow. I'm going the movie and coffee and or meal angle. I don't think the time is right for a "Meet My Son" date. I really want to see if this will go further than just a few dates. If that's a possibility then maybe soon, but if not then no. I don't want people dropping in and out of my son's life.


I hope I get the date ( but I'm sure I will), I hope I get a real kiss (I'm pretty sure I will try for one), and I hope we both have a good time (which I KNOW we will).

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RELAX, stop trying to impress her so much. BE YOURSELF.


Do you know how much we girls hate when we meet a guy and he is all

about going out and having a good time and then couple months later it ends up him just trying to impress us but he really hates that kinda stuff? well it sucks!


Ask her out somewhere where you feel comfortable, or why dont you just ask her to come over to watch a movie? that would deffinitely give you a chance to kiss her etc.


And at some point better sooner then later say something along the lines of "you know I'd rather just sit at home and watch a movie then go out every weekend...I like being alone with a girl etc"


and just an fyi abviously she must like you so far or she wouldnt accept a third date


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Yeah I know, I know. She must like me. I don't mind going out every weekend. I just don't want to keep doing the same things over and over because she may get bored with me.


I'm not putting up a front at all in this. I DO like going out. I didn't before, but I do now. It is getting a little expensive, but that's okay. I'm always glad to get out of the house.


I also feel like asking her back to my place can give the wrong message. I'm not out for piece of tail, well I am, but I want more than just that and not right now. I really don't want to give the wrong message. I'm sure I wouldn't turn down sex if it was offered, but it really isn't my priority. I take things slowly, just how I am.


Thank you all again. If it wasn't for you guys I never would have the nerve to ask again, or the first time for that matter.

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Well, I don't know what day we're going. Her set was moved at work, so I didn't get a chance to talk with her. She waved when she left, but didn't talk to me. What's up with that?


I guess I'll talk to her tomorrow. I'll call her and see what's up. I really wanted to be able to make all my plans today though. Oh well.


Go with the flow. I said it before, and I'll do it again. Go with the flow.

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I hope she's okay with maybe pizza and beer at my place and tonight at that. Need to get overtime at work, so I'm going in tonight. She'll be there so I can either ask her or break the bad news that I'm not going anywhere cause I'm broke.


What I plan on doing is asking her when I get there if she wants to just come over tonight for pizza, beer, and a movie. Not very exciting, but I think she'll say sure. Maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I won't take it personal if I am. Tomorrow is the zoo and my son spends the night. That will be a great joy.


I hate being broke.

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