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My main problem is that i get attached to ppl real fast. The last guy i went out i thought it was gonna last a while, but it lasted only a month. The thing is that he either got bored of me ... or tired ... well, he said he didnt want a relaionship anymore ... and we havent spoken for 2 months since then ... but i cant get him off my head. We were together for like 2months and a half really ... and i was his girlfriend to his parents and all ... the thing is that ive seen him around at this restaurant and stuff .... but he doesnt even say hi, its like he doesnt know me. The thing is that im really alone lately ... and wow i feel like a major loser writting all this but im very angry, i dont know how somebody i liked so much and said he liked me so much can turn out to be such an prick?. I just wish i could ask him why he just forgot about me so fast? i mean, i dont think anybody is so horrible that after being intimate and stuff with them you break up with them and next time you see them you pretend you dont know them. Well, i just dont know what to do anymore ...ive been really angry at everything since then ... like everything annoys me, even my mother i cant stand her asking me stuff ... and i just seem so mad at everyone, but him and me broke up in june!! almost 3 months ago?? how come im not over him yet? how come he got over me and forgot me completely so fast?. lol i seriously must be the most boring unintersting person for me to drive someone away like that. I even sent him an email trying to tell him i wanted to be his friend but he never asnwered back ... i mean, what the hell ? ...thats what bothers me ... being ignored ...i feel used ....argh ... i feel like the biggest loser ever made ...

Should i try and talk to him?? or what should i do??

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Hi Lili,


Im sorry to hear about your situation. I think that you really need to find something that will help to take your mind off of this guy, i would suggest some things but im not too sure what your interested in. Maybe you could join a club or something? Right now you really shouldn't be looking inside for somehting to blame your breakup on, im sure it was based upon a number of factors so please don't lower your sense of self-esteem by blaming yourself.


You definitely shouldn't send him any more emails becuase you are just setting yourself up for more hurt if he doesn't reply. Next time you see him, just say "hi", allow him to initiate any conversation that might take place.

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He definitly sounds like a loser. Someone that I would not be wasting my time over wondering about. I am sorry this happened to you. I don't know what his problem is, but it sounds like you can find someone alot better who will be more respectful of you. I would not write him another email and if you see him out I would maybe say hi, just because he's a jerk doesn't mean you have to be to him. I just would not go out of my way to try and talk. You definitly are NOT a loser, you just found a guy who has issues(it sounds like).

Better days are just ahead, you will be okay. Good luck.

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Don't beat yourself up over this....HE isn't worth it.

Did he say anything other than the fact he didn;t want to be in a relationship? Did anything lead up to that?

I am sure many of your unanswered questions are what keeps you stuck and wondering....but you know what? Some people just really suck at dealing with any conflict and would rather take the easy way out by running. In the long run is that someone you would want to be with? Someone who runs at the first sign of trouble or who doesn't even have the integrity to give you answers you deserve? I wouldn't. This is an indication of the type of person this guy is....and you are much much better off without him. Consider this a blessing in disguise.

Best of luck to you

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This guy is a prick. He just told you that he didn't want a relationship with you and that's it. I think you should try no contact and stick with it. Who knows why he didn't repond to your email. He is avoiding you. Maybe he thinks you are trying to get back with him and he's trying to keep no contact in place to let you know he's not interested. Some people really are bad at dealing with conflict.


I know it hurts when you care for someone and it is not reciprocated. The best thing you can do is try to distract yourself with positive things like making new friends, taking a pottery or yoga class, or just doing something that you always wanted to do, but maybe didn't have time for when you were with him. Focus on you and your needs right now and that should help you get your mind off of him.

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jeez Lili, I wish i was with you, lol, wish you lived in illinois, id stay with you forever, lol, thatd be so great, 12 yr age difference but i dont care, you're a sensitive caring woman and you deserve better treatment, and i believe i can offer you good satisfaction in another department too, i was able ot last 1 1/2 hrs with my ex g/f, if you come to illinois

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