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no clever title, my dad hit me...again

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ok, well i posted earlier this week about my wanting to quit a job, well i finally decided to, so i told my dad. He didnt take it well. he punched me, (ive got a pretty bad shiner right now)threw me against the wall and said if i quit i have to move out.so needless to say i start monday, arent i lucky? yeah im not sure what to do now any advice?


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Yeah...your father hit you and it left a mark. You are 16 and that is no way for him to be treating you. Go to the police about this. I mean you do have a bruise. Is this the first time? Or has it happened times before where he lost his temper and hit you?

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You really need to go to the police and show them the shiner. He will be locked up for a night for battery. It happened the same way with my dad and sure police came to my house every night but there was a cop 25 years on the force who stated it was child abuse and there was marks on me and he punched in the face and hit me with the belt there was marks left. He was locked up and I was put in a hosptial for my own protection and awarded to the state at some point. Till this day we were talking at times but now we are not and I tried to forgive him but he will not see him and his words I will not be able to see him till he is in his grave.


Now if you have someone to stay with I would do it. At age 16 he cannot throw you out and you are not considered an adult.


Sounds like your dad needs some kind of help but again he might deny he does not have a problem. What about your mom where is she and has she seen this. My mom was too weak to protect me and he did the same thing to her when he was drinking.


No child should have to go through this. It is not right.

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You may think that you dad loves you, or once you leave the house things will get better, and they may, but believe me. Being abused when you are young ends up screwing you up in the future. Go and get help now before you end up like me!


I thought after I moved away from my family (when I was 19) it would make things better, well it did for a bit. But when I got into a serious relationship (almost marriage) I started hitting my fiancee, I didn't understand why, if I loved her so much, why was I hitting her, well, now she has broken up with me and I have learned that I hit her, because of my relationship with my dad, (it was my choice and my fault but this is where it comes from)


Hitting anybody is wrong, and when you let it go on, you start to believe things like, hitting is OK, as long as it only happens sometimes. THIS IS NOT TRUE! It is never OK to hit someone, no matter what happens, you will probably have to go through anger management, but do it before you get into a serious relationship. It will affect you later, I can guarantee that! So get help, and get away from you father, I know it may be hard, but you have to teach him that he can't get away with what he is doing to you.


I hope this helped, sorry for the sob story, but I think it makes my point!

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I have to agree with the other posters and say go to the authorities. I also reported my father for hitting me, but I was 10 years old at the time. I told my teacher, and my father got pulled into the school and had a long talk with my principal. Things at home were awkward for some time after that, but he never hit me again.


The same will probably go with your father if you report him to the police. As far as him kicking you out - he can't. You're underage. You should mention that to the police when you report him hitting you as well. The law is on your side. Use it.

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Wow, that's absurd!!!! You are still a minor and there are laws in place to protect you. That really frustrates me when I hear things like that. The law needs to protect the victim, regardless of size and so forth, not the perp!!!! Have you ever considered becoming emancipated? I would seriously check into that!

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i was trying to get emancipated but the court said i cant take care of myself becuase i have like nowhere to live. my dad is friends with like all the cops in this city and he's applying to be a cop, plus since i have a history of self injury they dont believe me and its my word against his

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You are in a very tough spot!! I would suggest talking with your school counselor for starters. Do you have any friends you can stay with? I'd hate to see you have to wait it out for 2 more years, that's just not right!! I REALLY hope things work out for you!!!

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