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Redneck Confussed in NY....

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Five years ago I met my now ex in an AOl Chat room. We chatted for the longest time on-line, then over the phone. after about a year and a half of chatting, I flew up the NY on vacation to meet her. We fell in love, and the following February she flew down to Louisiana for MArdi Gras. In may of 1999 I decided that the long distencr relationship wasn't working for me, but instead of breaking the relationship off, I packed up my stuff and moved to Upstate NY to give our relationship a fighting chance.


Three and a half years later.....I went on vacation to La to see y folks, while I was on vacation I had decided that this was the girl I was meant to be with. I had decided to wait til her sister's wedding was over with and the propose to her around Thanksgiving. Well 3 weeks ago I got home from Vacation and was met with the greeting that she didn't feel the same way about me. I was like a kick in the stomach with a pair of cowboy boots. I had no clue that this was coming. She said she felt like we had drifted apart, but I don't feel we had. We had a busy Summer, She was helping her sister with her wedding and new house, and I was working a second job to help save money for improvments on our house. So granted we hadn't spent a lot of time together but she took it as it we didn't want to spend time together.


What is so hard is that I know her too well. SHe is not the kind of person that make decisions very well, but she is very strong headed, SO when she decides to do something you can not chage her mind. I had originally decided to stay up here in NY and give her time to think about her decision to make sure this is what she wanted. But after a week, I had decided that I needed to go back home to La to be with my family and close friends for emotional support. Now I and 5 days from my departure date, and I am more emotionally upset then ever. I still love her, and am afraid that once I get back home to La she will call me and tell me she relized she made a big mistake and want me back.


Am I doing the right thing by leaving??? I don't know what to do.

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  • 5 months later...

Moving around following your heart can be foolish at best.


As you face this decision, think of your current situation and look at the possible outcomes of moving based on your emotions. Please slow down and think about your current job, new friends you have made, and any obligations that you have made where you currently live.




Move for the greater good, weigh your options and make that decision. But don't act out of haste.


If you do decide to move, make the last days you have count, talk to your current partner and make a great effort to work it out.


I'm sure everything will work out for you.

Good luck to you.

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  • 1 year later...

Oh god....what a horrible thing to happen to you...I too have had my fair share of these "internet-relationships"....These things almost NEVER work.


I learned the hard way.


I can't stress it enough, they never....Never....NEVER work. One out of one hundred? One out of two hundred?? Would you bet your savings account on that? Then why bank your happiness on it?



DO let me know the outcome? Please!!??

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