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I apologise now if this is in the wrong board, seeing as it could go under this one, and it could go under Long Distance too...but yeah...


OK, I don't know where to begin. A while ago, I met this guy on the net who lived near me. We spoke for ages and we decided to meet. We got on well and about 2 days later, he moved up north (300 or so miles to be precise) and the only ways we talk now are on MSN, text messages, talking on the phone and email.


About a week ago, I broke up with my boyfriend and I was really feeling down about it and stuff. This guy I've been speaking to was there for me. He offered me a shoulder to cry on, even though he is miles away. He said if I ever had the urge to self-harm (which I was doing), I was to text him at once and he would try his hardest to distract me from doing it.


Over the past couple of days, I've really fallen for this guy. He is perfect in every way, he is always, and I mean always there for me when I need him. He's the type of guy you could never get angry at, he's the type of guy that you could tell everything to and he's the type of guy who is always there when you need someone the most.


When I say I've fallen for this guy, I mean BIG TIME. He hasn't left my mind for a second since me and my ex broke up, he's all I ever think about and I go all happy and stuff when he texts me, or when he starts speaking to me on MSN. He's like the friend I never had.


As much as I want to tell him how I feel, I don't want to ruin what we have. He's coming all the way back down South to see me in a couple of days and I feel like telling him then, but I'm so scared...I don't want to ruin the perfect friendship that we have.


I feel like every day that goes past without him is a day wasted in my life. It's sad because I cry myself to sleep every night thinking to myself that I might never be with him and I never want to lose him out of my life.


What can I do guys? I was talking to my friend about it and he said that he obviously cares about me for him to be there for me when I needed him. I just don't know what to do, I'm pretty much in love with this guy...

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so you're going to get an opportunity to meet him in a few days? i'm assuming this will be your first encounter?


i would try to see how your meeting goes before getting too caught up in this situation. hopefully you guys will hit it off in person, but you're not going to know for sure until you meet him.


let him take the lead...take it slow.


good luck.



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First of all, I hope you didn't hurt yourself and that you will consider getting help for that.


He sounds like a really good friend to be there for you and want to help. It's obvious he cares for you. It's nice that he is coming to visit you. I would take things slow. If you guys do truly love each other things should evolve on their own. I wouldn't push, but I don't think there's any harm in sharing your feelings provided you don't come off as needy. I wish you the best!!

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We've already met....though I don't think I said it clearly enough.


We met like...a month or so ago and we got on well and everything. It's just everything that he has done for me which had made me feel this way. He didn't have to do what he did...he didn't have to care or waste his money sending me a million text messages telling me everything was going to be alright...


I honestly can't wait to see him again. I've never wanted to see anyone so badly as I want to see him...I just wish it would progress into something more...

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I don't think you've got a problem. He's travelling 300 miles to come and see you! How many other guys have been known to do this? I think he's been waiting for your bf to get out of the picture.


Hope everything goes well. Be happy and enjoy yourself.

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well, it's good that you've met and both seem to like one another. he sounds like a decent person.


i have had those intense feelings before. i am a hopeless romantic and usually end up wearing my heart on my sleeve. sometimes the guy reciprocates and appreciates my feelings...other times i have been shot down and nothing progressed from that point on.


you never know, maybe he feels the same. maybe he will tell you how he feels. but you have to do what feels right in your heart. i've learned more self-control with age (no more chasing the boys on the playground!), but everyone handles situations differently.


just try your best to let it happen and go with the flow. keep us posted.


good luck

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