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Going on a first date, and she gave me the ok to french her

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Ok so ive posted some forums about this one girl that im going to the movies with later on. So i talked to her on the phone and She talks alot about her ex. So iid ask her if she let her ex French kiss her and she said no, Then Sarcasticly i told her "what if i french kisse you" (she or i have never frenched before) . So she tells me that i can go straight from just a normal kiss to frenching her (by the way some body please clear the bases for me,what do they mean,1st,2nd,3rd base......home i know)I told her "why" then she said "cause im tottaly comfortable with you" then i started to talk about something else. Now my question is.


1. how do i french heris there a tricky trick to it.Side to Side what do i need to know.


2.She is taller than i am by 4 inches,is that bad(well be sitting down at the movies)


3.Any suggestions are welcome on anything


P.S Im thinking of putting some sock underneath my feet in side my shoes,that would atlest give me 2 more inches.

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I don't like that she talks a lot about her ex. That's just poor form to be talking about the ex to the new guy.


Next, don't do the sock thing. That's just silly If I guy did that for me, and I found out, I'd go around telling everyone about "sock guy."


Well, just kiss her. Or, if you are by some stairs, stand on a step and then kiss her.


Don't use too much tongue. Nice and soft. And don't slobber. eewww...




1: Kissing, hand holding

2: Undressing, Touching each other on the upper part of the body.

3: Undressing, Touching each other on the lower half of the body, including oral sex.

4: Intercourse. (Home run)


This is not the absolute guide to the bases, just a rough idea.

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wait wait wait wait wait.


I responded to you yesterday! This is the date where her mother is coming along?


Geeezzz... don't kiss her!!!! Her mom's right there!


Be respectful. If her mom likes you, she'll start letting you go on dates just the two of you, alone, and THEN kiss her.


On tonight's date, the one you are really trying to impress is mom, not the girl!!!!

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If you're the person who said her Mother's going to be there I wouldn't like to be in your shoes!


If I'm right then listen to what I have to say. (I'm a 42 year old woman!)


It doesn't matter what the girl says! It's for her mother to decide whats appropriate.


If you french kiss her daughter while she's present she's going to go mental! She won't let you see each other anymore. God knows what punishment the girl's going to have when she gets home! Is that what you want? You don't know what her parents are like, they may use physical punishment!


She's probably got a very protective father. Are you ready to face a very angry man?


Start french kissing on your second date if that's what she wants.

If you must do it when her mother goes to the toilet! But I still advise you to kiss her on the cheek if her mother's present!

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In front of the mother, maybe not even a kiss on the cheek. Better, a hug. If the mom trusts you (which is the purpose of tonight's date), then she'll let you go out again, then you can kiss her!


Yeah, what are you trying to do, get her in trouble? Even at my age, my mom would flip if a bf kissed me in front of her!

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If her MOM is there you don't do anything! Just as people have said in your other posts...



That is just plain disrespectful. And I would be quite sure if you did it, her mom would make sure there were no more dates.


Any boyfriend I have had, in my teens or now as an adult, always showed upmost respect for my parents...which is in turn showing respect for ME. And you know..my parents appreciated that!

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3.Any suggestions are welcome on anything


Who exactly will you be frenching when her mom freaks out and never lets you two see each other again?


BIG PICTURE. Don't forget the BIG PICTURE. The mom is testing you. We're telling you, you're not on the date with this girl, you're on the date with her MOM! If the mom doesn't think you're ok, you won't have the chance to french kiss this girl later on (dates 2,3,4 etc.....)


Well, I hope you have a good and successful date! good luck

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call me paranoid but.. she talks about her ex never frenching her.. and then you are here, this new guy in her life and she wants to french you all of a sudden? sure maybe shes more comfortable with you.. or maybe she wants to make the ex jealous..


ya my gf used to talk about her ex's all the time and it really pissed me off, id be wary of the situation


deffinitely dont kiss her infront of mom that would make for a funny story, but at your expense for sure!

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