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Online dating (I feel like a looser!)

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I want to start putting profiles and what not up to try to meet some women online. I feel like a big dork about it. Im a normal dude! Im cool and charasmatic. I feel dorkish for using the internet to meet women!


If you guys have met girl/boyfriends online, how was your expierience? Maybe i need to realize its not that big of a deal and is perfectly normal these days.

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Why should you feel like a loser? The whole point is so that you can meet someone. How you meet them isn't important - it's how things progress after you have met that matters.


Go for it and good luck.

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hey - don't feel weird about it! I did at first too. Trust me, there are tons of normal, attractive people who are doing it. Honestly - everyone is online dating right now! It's the 'in' thing I'm normal myself, but because of my line of work and the hours I work, I don't get a chance to meet new people outside of my social circle, so online dating is something I do. You'll find that lots of people who do it just have really busy lives, and meeting someone at the bars isn't the best way to go. And it's funny - when I come accross profiles of acquaintances on the sites - I didn't know that they were single and available!


I haven't found my true love, but I have had tons of great dates! But, I know others who have had great luck online!


Just put up some good photos, and write an upbeat profile, and you'll be well on your way! good luck!

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There is NOTHING wrong with online "meeting"....just make sure you take it offline!


Just like real life there are good and bad aspects...so just go into it with an open mind and attitude.


I have met some fantastic people online...one of them being my absolutely awesome boyfriend

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I think the general perception that online dating is for people who lack the ability to find a partner in real life and can hide easier behind a computer, even using fake pictures, etc, to display themselves.


Myself, I'd be worried if the person was a 40 year old virgin guy instead of the 21 year old hot blond in her picture, cause I do think there would be people on the internet sick enough to do that. Plus, it's much easier to show only the "best" part of yourself.


The only feature I would like about it is that you get to see if you'd like their personality before commiting to any physical things. That said, personality is easy to fake on the internet.

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I think the general perception that online dating is for people who lack the ability to find a partner in real life and can hide easier behind a computer, even using fake pictures, etc, to display themselves.


Myself, I'd be worried if the person was a 40 year old virgin guy instead of the 21 year old hot blond in her picture, cause I do think there would be people on the internet sick enough to do that. Plus, it's much easier to show only the "best" part of yourself.


The only feature I would like about it is that you get to see if you'd like their personality before commiting to any physical things. That said, personality is easy to fake on the internet.


And this is why you meet early, and don't create a relationship. If I am interested, I meet someone within a week, if not, we go our separate ways.


Otherwise you risk creating a fantasy.


However, be careful of such labels. Online dating is far more popular these days, and you would be surprised at the people you can meet on there whom are quality people whose lives don't offer the opportunity to meet random prospects. I for example have worked in small workplaces, my friends were all attached, or there was no interest, and I have NO interest in picking people up at the bars either. I think that "general perception" is changing a lot...you only have to take a quick look to see the proficency of online sites, and the plethora of people involved of all ages, looks and reasons. Some are in it for casual dates, sex but many are also in it for long term prospects. There is room for all sorts, just like real life.


My boyfriend was actually someone that we had some mutual friends in common with, and had been at the same races together, but never actually met one another, the internet allowed us to come together, as two people with many shared interests, and compatibilities whom might have not ever met otherwise.


There are people who will stretch the truth online, but even in real life that occurs...and just like real life you need to be cautious, but also keep an open mind and don't make assumptions immediately about someone.

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I think the general perception that online dating is for people who lack the ability to find a partner in real life and can hide easier behind a computer, even using fake pictures, etc, to display themselves.


Myself, I'd be worried if the person was a 40 year old virgin guy instead of the 21 year old hot blond in her picture, cause I do think there would be people on the internet sick enough to do that. Plus, it's much easier to show only the "best" part of yourself.


The only feature I would like about it is that you get to see if you'd like their personality before commiting to any physical things. That said, personality is easy to fake on the internet.


Yea, like RayKay said, that's why you should meet early on. A photo, a short profile, knowing what their favorite movies are, and what their hobbies are - that's more than enough info to meet at Starbuck's for a cup of coffee.


Most men who have asked me out online have asked me out within 4 e-mails or less. You don't want to spend 3 months talking to someone who may be a 60 year old grandpa or whatever


You just have to use it as an "introduction" service. Build the relationship offline!

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I think the general perception that online dating is for people who lack the ability to find a partner in real life and can hide easier behind a computer, even using fake pictures, etc, to display themselves.


Myself, I'd be worried if the person was a 40 year old virgin guy instead of the 21 year old hot blond in her picture, cause I do think there would be people on the internet sick enough to do that. Plus, it's much easier to show only the "best" part of yourself.


The only feature I would like about it is that you get to see if you'd like their personality before commiting to any physical things. That said, personality is easy to fake on the internet.


Yea, like RayKay said, that's why you should meet early on. A photo, a short profile, knowing what their favorite movies are, and what their hobbies are - that's more than enough info to meet at Starbuck's for a cup of coffee.


Most men who have asked me out online have asked me out within 4 e-mails or less. You don't want to spend 3 months talking to someone who may be a 60 year old grandpa instead of a 21 year old blonde


You just have to use it as an "introduction" service. Build the relationship offline!

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I think the general perception that online dating is for people who lack the ability to find a partner in real life and can hide easier behind a computer, even using fake pictures, etc, to display themselves.


Myself, I'd be worried if the person was a 40 year old virgin guy instead of the 21 year old hot blond in her picture, cause I do think there would be people on the internet sick enough to do that. Plus, it's much easier to show only the "best" part of yourself.


The only feature I would like about it is that you get to see if you'd like their personality before commiting to any physical things. That said, personality is easy to fake on the internet.


Yea, like RayKay said, that's why you should meet early on. A photo, a short profile, knowing what their favorite movies are, and what their hobbies are - that's more than enough info to meet at Starbuck's for a cup of coffee.


Most men who have asked me out online have asked me out within 4 e-mails or less. You don't want to spend 3 months talking to someone who may be a 60 year old grandpa or whatever


You just have to use it as an "introduction" service. Build the relationship offline!


oh no, for me that would be like a blind date pretty much, which i'm not a fan of. i'd prefer just meeting casually, so you can gauge if you like them or not over a bit of time. with a blind date, you can really opt to just being friends without offending them so easily.


but yeah, using it as a method of introduction might be expand your scope lot.

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well, yeah, it pretty much is a blind date.


Like the others said, it is easy to hide your personality online. Why waste 3 months talking to someone who you think lives in your city and has relationship potential, when they are actually someone else 1000 miles away, having fun with their "online alter-ego?"

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Haha! Thanks for the support. Im going to try it out for sure. It makes me feel good to know that quite a few people are doing it! I appretiate the replies


Oh trust me, more than a few people are doing it! Just go to link removed and do a quick search of men and women in your area, your age! You'll find you will recognize a lot of the from your classes or from your place of work, or whatever....

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