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Should I ask her out again??

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that's right you heard me right "AGAIN" I know this sounds crazy.. but about 5-6 months ago on Valentines day I asked this girl out .. she initially started the conversation in one of the lecture classes,, I noticed her looking at me before.. then she sat beside me one day and started tha conversation.. we talked and al.. a few times.. then we exchanged MSN addresses... everything went ok my friends kept telling me she likes me .. so I was almost sure if I would ask her out she would definitely say yes..at that time I liked this other girl.. (long story) so I really didn't have romantic feelings toward her.. but you know how it is .. there is something in front of you and you just don't see it.. well my friends told me that sometimes I ignored her .. I didn't.. just that she was 17 at the time and I was 20.. not mature enough// well I asked her out on valentines day and she said.. "It would be really something to go out with you and be more then a friend.. and I think you are a verryyy nice guy and I am not using that as an opening.. but I am just not looking for a relationship at all and I hope this doesn't destroy what we have between us." (this is more or less what she said in MSN) so yeah 5 months is passed and recently she has been very friendly with me.. and all. she hugs me kisses me.. which we never did// she said the other day.. I missed you // I haven't seen her for a week only.. so this is pretty much what is going on now.. and I am thinking of asking her out again since she looks and act more mature.. much more and maybe she is interested.. today she sat with me.. acting very friendly I just need some opinions what do you all think? would a woman say yes the second time? do you think I should ask her out again.. I really want to just to get it off me knowing that I did everything I could.??


thank you all very very much

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i have the exact problem, my girl told me she likes me and she is interested but she never thought of things that way blah blah blah.. and now she is acting so friendly to me.. and i dont know what to do also.. and i also think that she likes me before..


so i cant really help u so much.. so



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You never want to have any regrets so give it one good shot and make it count. Let her know either you two start something or else she doesn't get to know you anymore. If it doesn't work cut her for good as she would just waste your time. And never become her friend. If you did, then you messed up!

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the thing is.. the way she behaves sometimes is wired .. like she comes to that class not even saying hi to me or anything and just go sit in the back of the lecture hall.. and today she came looks at me.. saying hiiii and then sits right beside me.. the other day she was complementing me on my rings and my shades.. it's veryy odd ...it's not continues.. she does it to see how do I response ( this is how I feel ) .. my problem is being too nice to girls and this one is no difference.my friends say she is a player and so I am not really sure what to do..should I just ignore her for good ..

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