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can u help me?

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Dude dont do that to yourself sex is just sex....Try to think of things liek love and what being with a girl truly means.Ive tried to keep these gosh darn male hormones at bay because i HATE those hormones.Its like a burden having them isnt it?But ya when i look at a girl i try to picture a loving thought.I mean whats so special just all that for that 5 sec feeling i mean come on dont put urself in animalistic ways.We are human beings we should be able to control these stupid urges.All these people try to make it a BIG thing.I personally think most who make it a really big thing just want to show off cause i have a couple of friends like that.LIke my arrogant friend bragged about it.But my best friend didnt brag about it at all he mostly had sex because he was in love with this girl and i personally think that the genuine way to do it.If i was in a relationship i wouldnt care if i had to wait like 3 years for sex as long as i liked/loved the girl.LIke most of these guys push sex on women and i find that really disrespectful.Its all down to when you are ready and the girl is ready.Try not to think of sex too much man because it will do ur mind good without it.Dont stress over it ull get it someday.I mean ur only 18 thats not too bad.And dont listen to young people that are like 13-16 having sex that put u down.It prolly makes them feel powerful to put someone down.Its like ooooooo ive had sex im the MAN!Do yourself a favor and dont listen to some of this stuff and keep ur mind off sex if its stressing u out to do some of the things ur thinking

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One, is wearing women's lingerie going to bring you any closer to having sex? Is it going to help your confidence or make you feel better about yourself? Or is it more likely to make you feel embarrassed and ashamed?


Two, I'm 22 and have never had sex. There are people older then that who have never had sex. And nothing is wrong with us. The right time and the right person has not come along yet. Your time will come and everything will be perfect when it does. Think about it. Would you rather have sex now so you can say you have, or wait until you meet someone that you truly love? There are so many more important things in life, so much else to experience. Enjoy all that life has to offer, sex is just one part of it and will happen eventually. Even when it does happen, the sex isn't waht you'll cherish, it will be the love.

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